Records: [TGM1]

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 22 May 2007.

  1. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    The best known performance:

     WR--777---------------------Gm - 999 @ 08:48:60 - 06/13/10
    The best recorded performance:

       --777---------------------Gm - 999 @ 08:49:90 - 06/27/12
                       *** WESTERN RANKING ***
    Rank  Name                 Grade  Lvl   Time
    1   | K                    | Gm | 999 | 09:11:41 | video
    2   | KevinDDR             | Gm | 999 | 09:19:35 | video
    3   | MaryHadALittle       | Gm | 999 | 09:25:06 | video
    4   | cyberguile           | Gm | 999 | 09:28:11 |
    5   | Qlex                 | Gm | 999 | 09:35:30 |
    6   | aperturegrillz       | Gm | 999 | 09:36:13 | video
    7   | Amnesia              | Gm | 999 | 09:40:21 | video
    8   | Jil                  | Gm | 999 | 09:41:93 |
    9   | Edo                  | Gm | 999 | 09:43:25 |
    10  | Kitaru               | Gm | 999 | 09:46:81 |
    11  | rednefed             | Gm | 999 | 09:47:45 |
    12  | ei                   | Gm | 999 | 09:48:10 | video
    13  | eskatre              | Gm | 999 | 09:54:80 | video
    14  | DeHackEd             | Gm | 999 | 09:57:15 | video
    15  | colour_thief         | Gm | 999 | 09:57:50 |
    16  | FeV                  | Gm | 999 | 09:57:58 | video
    17  | cleure               | Gm | 999 | 10:09:36 | video
    18  | Kai                  | Gm | 999 | 10:16:56 |
    19  | mfm005               | Gm | 999 | 10:17:45 |
    20  | Oliver               | Gm | 999 | 10:20:03 |
    21  | PiePusher11          | Gm | 999 | 10:26:78 |
    22  | JBroms               | Gm | 999 | 10:27:76 | video
    23  | EnchantressOfNumbers | Gm | 999 | 10:29:08 | video
    24  | GyRo                 | Gm | 999 | 10:31:85 | video
    25  | Ai                   | Gm | 999 | 10:34:68 |
    26  | kukrapoc_bazza       | Gm | 999 | 10:38:15 |
    27  | COL                  | Gm | 999 | 10:42:10 |
    28  | mycophobia           | Gm | 999 | 10:42:50 | video
    29  | Anerag               | Gm | 999 | 10:44:05 |
    30  | d4nin3u              | Gm | 999 | 10:46:36 | video
    31  | zzymyn               | Gm | 999 | 10:46:56 |
    32  | Icefox               | Gm | 999 | 10:47:00 |
    33  | PARTY MAN X          | Gm | 999 | 10:47:45 | video
    34  | Key                  | Gm | 999 | 10:53:63 |
    35  | Jayce                | Gm | 999 | 10:53:90 |
    36  | Rosti LFC            | Gm | 999 | 10:54:10 |
    37  | sjoecool1991         | Gm | 999 | 10:56:20 |
    38  | mat                  | Gm | 999 | 10:58:06 |
    39  | DDRKirby(ISQ)        | Gm | 999 | 10:58:15 |
    40  | an ass               | Gm | 999 | 10:59:36 |
    41  | clincher             | Gm | 999 | 10:59:96 |
    42  | SoliDeoGloriaAA      | Gm | 999 | 11:02:91 |
    43  | Master Fushigi       | Gm | 999 | 11:04:68 |
    44  | WakiMiko             | Gm | 999 | 11:05:46 |
    45  | Samael               | Gm | 999 | 11:08:50 |
    46  | Shion                | Gm | 999 | 11:10:03 |
    47  | FreakyByte           | Gm | 999 | 11:10:40 |
    48  | Ex_Mosquito          | Gm | 999 | 11:18:36 |
    49  | LOst                 | Gm | 999 | 11:25:61 |
    50  | Zircean              | Gm | 999 | 11:28:23 |
    51  | DIGITAL              | Gm | 999 | 11:30:46 |
    52  | AnnaMaus             | Gm | 999 | 11:30:66 | video
    53  | TheFellowJasper      | Gm | 999 | 11:32:08 |
    54  | Free                 | Gm | 999 | 11:34:45 |
    55  | Baxter               | Gm | 999 | 11:35:65 |
    56  | Frusxfaranto         | Gm | 999 | 11:36:11 |
    57  | iKantu               | Gm | 999 | 11:36:23 |
    58  | xyrnq                | Gm | 999 | 11:36:45 |
    59  | Muf                  | Gm | 999 | 11:41:23 |
    60  | nicofromtokyo        | Gm | 999 | 11:42:75 |
    61  | Stqrm                | Gm | 999 | 11:45:80 |
    62  | Supernaze7           | Gm | 999 | 11:46:71 |
    63  | CrazedRevenG         | Gm | 999 | 11:46:81 |
    64  | goofer               | Gm | 999 | 11:46:81 |
    65  | awake                | Gm | 999 | 11:47:33 |
    66  | nightmareci          | Gm | 999 | 11:47:35 |
    67  | etherstorm           | Gm | 999 | 11:50:16 |
    68  | Goplat               | Gm | 999 | 11:50:28 |
    69  | girdot               | Gm | 999 | 11:50:51 |
    70  | tet2brik             | Gm | 999 | 11:50:76 |
    71  | deepdorp             | Gm | 999 | 11:56:10 |
    72  | Redlof_b             | Gm | 999 | 11:57:70 |
    73  | tada                 | Gm | 999 | 11:58:15 |
    74  | m.kevin              | Gm | 999 | 11:58:91 |
    75  | Vesly                | Gm | 999 | 11:59:91 |
    76  | Taratang             | Gm | 999 | 12:00:95 |
    77  | Deeem2031            | Gm | 999 | 12:01:48 |
    78  | marq                 | Gm | 999 | 12:01:63 |
    79  | zid                  | Gm | 999 | 12:03:20 |
    80  | Billmaan             | Gm | 999 | 12:07:23 |
    81  | PetitPrince          | Gm | 999 | 12:07:50 |
    82  | Budster              | Gm | 999 | 12:09:08 |
    83  | Novomancy            | Gm | 999 | 12:09:28 |
    84  | Ephraim225           | Gm | 999 | 12:09:33 |
    85  | CPN                  | Gm | 999 | 12:10:25 |
    86  | switchpalacecorner   | Gm | 999 | 12:11:96 | video
    87  | mikehaggar           | Gm | 999 | 12:18:06 |
    88  | squidlarkin          | Gm | 999 | 12:18:86 |
    89  | Caithness            | Gm | 999 | 12:19:06 |
    90  | Xkeeper              | Gm | 999 | 12:20:31 |
    91  | Kasumi               | Gm | 999 | 12:22:48 |
    92  | Malth                | Gm | 999 | 12:22:76 |
    93  | TGGC                 | Gm | 999 | 12:23:63 |
    94  | Boing                | Gm | 999 | 12:29:15 |
    95  | tweak                | Gm | 999 | 12:31:05 |
    96  | Lion                 | Gm | 999 | 12:31:43 |
    97  | gila                 | Gm | 999 | 12:31:76 |
    98  | Crashdown            | Gm | 999 | 12:33:08 |
    99  | NLB                  | Gm | 999 | 12:33:28 |
    100 | Ken_P                | Gm | 999 | 12:35:31 |
    101 | Oshisaure            | Gm | 999 | 12:35:40 |
    102 | Renko                | GM | 999 | 12:36:01 |
    103 | LadyLily             | Gm | 999 | 12:36:35 |
    104 | statikeffect         | Gm | 999 | 12:36:50 |
    105 | kreichjr             | Gm | 999 | 12:37:56 |
    106 | Jeremy               | Gm | 999 | 12:37:88 |
    107 | gontrollez           | Gm | 999 | 12:37:93 |
    108 | Raincomplex          | Gm | 999 | 12:38:23 |
    109 | Uli                  | Gm | 999 | 12:38:50 |
    110 | Leffe                | Gm | 999 | 12:39:93 |
    111 | cgwg                 | Gm | 999 | 12:40:10 |
    112 | Steelix100           | Gm | 999 | 12:46:03 | video
    113 | croikle              | Gm | 999 | 12:46:66 |
    114 | wksrdg               | Gm | 999 | 12:47:36 |
    115 | Poochy               | Gm | 999 | 12:48:41 |
    116 | protomagicalgirl     | Gm | 999 | 12:48:65 | video
    117 | Svavar               | Gm | 999 | 12:48:76 |
    118 | Xaphiosis            | Gm | 999 | 12:49:03 |
    119 | bigwig               | Gm | 999 | 12:51:05 |
    120 | Quad                 | Gm | 999 | 12:52:21 |
    121 | Shade                | Gm | 999 | 12:52:61 |
    122 | Echo                 | Gm | 999 | 12:53:16 | video
    123 | steadshot            | Gm | 999 | 12:59:63 |
    124 | kevcel               | Gm | 999 | 13:02:41 |
    125 | Jorimoni             | Gm | 999 | 13:08:00 |
    126 | Elision              | Gm | 999 | 13:09:43 |
    127 | Tomek                | Gm | 999 | 13:05:65 | video
    128 | moonair              | Gm | 999 | 13:10:40 |
    129 | Sumez                | Gm | 999 | 13:14:01 |
    130 | Bou                  | Gm | 999 | 13:14:93 |
    131 | SimMarine            | Gm | 999 | 13:15:88 |
    132 | Mr. Antisocial       | Gm | 999 | 13:20:65 |
    133 | Tarto                | Gm | 999 | 13:21:73 |
    134 | jammich              | Gm | 999 | 13:22:86 |
    135 | Gerson               | Gm | 999 | 13:23:55 |
    136 | Brandon Arnold       | Gm | 999 | 13:27:80 |
    137 | jujube               | Gm | 999 |    |
    138 | znakeeye             | Gm | 999 |    |
    139 | Burbruee             | S9 | 999 | 12:46:25 |
    140 | Meroigo              | S9 | 999 | 13:14:41 |
    141 | MisterBenn           | S9 | 999 | 13:21:85 |
    142 | Snaaahhh             | S9 | 999 | 13:56:70 |
    143 | Air Gear             | S9 | 993 | 13:06:33 |
    144 | Ray Ayanami          | S9 | 973 | 12:08:50 |
    145 | Tony76               | S8 | 999 | 14:50:50 |
    146 | DumbledorsArmy       | S8 | 952 | 12:28:83 |
    147 | Frenetic             | S7 | 999 | 16:48:xx |
    148 | upy                  | S7 | 833 | 11:50:35 |
    149 | IanKeith             | S7 | 762 | 09:50:30 |
    150 | shoryu               | S6 | 892 | 12:50:41 |
    151 | Red Star             | S6 | 742 | 08:13:36 |
    152 | Shining_Yoshi        | S6 | 731 | 11:44:23 |
    153 | cdsboy               | S6 | 714 | 08:50:30 |
    154 | merpy                | S6 | 699 | 09:25:68 |
    155 | LordPie              | S6 | 622 | 08:28:45 |
    156 | Sy                   | S6 |     |    |
    157 | m:)                  | S5 | 699 | 10:42:20 |
    158 | Gradius              | S5 | 675 | 08:02:78 |
    159 | elph                 | S5 | 625 | 07:58:58 |
    160 | kapat                | S5 | 536 | 07:50:96 |
    161 | The Enigmatic Form   | S5 |     | 06:35:35 |
    162 | Tom                  | S4 | 682 | 11:40:68 |
    163 | Webby                | S4 | 584 | 08:32:03 |
    164 | Tormod               | S4 | 568 | 07:51:78 |
    165 | Gaby                 | S4 |     |    |
    166 | Crystory             | S3 | 562 | 09:42:15 |
    167 | NGE                  | S3 | 560 | 08:25:91 |
    168 | Dark Tetsuya         | S3 | 485 | 08:53:60 |
    169 | NoonShaK             | S3 | 465 |    |
    170 | sihumchai            | S3 |     |    |
    171 | herc                 | S2 | 522 | 09:00:41 |
    172 | angrycoder           | S2 | 424 | 07:00:00 |
    173 | sirmax               | S2 | 397 | 07:14:20 |
    174 | DonAtreides          | S2 | 371 | 07:05:06 |
    175 | Tiago Dutra          | S2 | 336 | 03:31:98 |
    176 | Lardarse             | S1 | 315 | 06:52:23 |
    177 | thesoilknowsall      |  1 | 392 | 07:08:73 |
    Link to core spreadsheet here.

    TGM conditions to get GM :

    1 : Reach lv. 300 with the 1 rank under 4:15.
    2 : Reach lv. 500 with the S4 rank under 7:30.
    3 : Reach lv. 999 with the S9 rank under 13:30 and 126000 pts.

    These are the estimated maximal section times I recommend for the whole game, to pass the 13min30 limit :
      0 - 100 ---> 85 sec --->  1:25
    100 - 200 ---> 85 sec --->  2:50
    200 - 300 ---> 85 sec --->  4:15 (!)
    300 - 400 ---> 85 sec --->  5:40
    400 - 500 ---> 80 sec --->  7:00
    500 - 600 ---> 78 sec --->  8:18
    600 - 700 ---> 78 sec --->  9:36
    700 - 800 ---> 78 sec ---> 10:54
    800 - 900 ---> 78 sec ---> 12:12
    900 - 999 ---> 78 sec ---> 13:30 (!)
    Last edited by a moderator: 28 Nov 2018
  2. etherstorm

    etherstorm Unregistered

    my personal best:

  3. I'll have to look mine up, but I know it's under 11 minutes!! [​IMG]
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hou!! nice etherstorm!

    Another american Gm..

    10 Gm players on the list..

    I think there is around 20 western Gm players..
  5. kukrapoc_bazza

    kukrapoc_bazza Unregistered

    Gm, 11:41:87.

    I think there are more than 20 werstern Gm players, Amnesia [​IMG]
    The thing is that a big part of the tetris community do not know this website. What a pity, actually.
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Un autre Joueur Gm!!

    Et francophone en plus!

    Tu as raison il y en a bien plus je pense aussi..

    Mais t'inquite pas je les ressencerais tous!!! [​IMG]

    [​IMG] Aie..Il va encore dire que je m'excite trop..

  7. I could post a pic, but I can't be bothered.

    That's an old record. Well, sort of.

    My newest:


    Level 920

    90427 points


    Didn't get the mastering time, because I forgot to take a screenshot until after it said "Game Over" It was probably around 10:30 . I wasted a lot of time at S6 and S7 just clearing singles.
  8. Tarto

    Tarto Unregistered

    My personal best so far:

    I know it's REAAAALLY slow but as long as I don't get solid building skills, I'll keep wasting a lot of time clearing garbage that shouldn't be there in the first place...
  9. Just as a question, does the game end at 999, or does it keep going until you either die or hit S9?
  10. the game ends when you clear a line at 999
  11. shade

    shade Unregistered

    GM at: 12:52:61, score: 151376

    so, not entirely in the "upper ranks"

    record made 18.10.2004
  12. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hello shade!

    Colour_thief told me you have stoped TGM during a long time.. [​IMG]
  13. shade

    shade Unregistered

    Hey Amnesia!

    Yea, i've been busy with other projects, a bit rl here and there, etc.

    But you know, good things last forever, old habits never die [​IMG]

    Been working on hebo lite lately, brought the tap animated backgrounds into hebo, along with the randomization code..

    so yea, i'm back [​IMG]
  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    That will be the same for me..

    I will have too work for the next year..

    Jago said me you are a killer in programmation on C [​IMG] ..

    I hope a return of you on TAP
  15. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    S3 @ 6:01:63 - 435

    Ya i think i'm gonna have to work on this game.


    Umm i had a stellar game...

    S5 @ 8:26:25 - 650
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    680 in 8:42 (S6)

    just 3 min before with a keyboard..

    as fast as you I think.. [​IMG]
  17. K



    Please change my record, because it is not official (jagoris)

    a more correct should be Gm in 10:24:~~
  18. GM 13:15:40. Haven't been able to get a good seed to produce a better record. And keyboard is starting to produce errors. I have pretty much given up a better result in TGM1.

    Here is the proof, I now officially hate the randomizer in TGM1. It never gives the pieces you need, except in a game out of a million, it gives you only the piece you want (but way wrong):

  19. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    C'est tout !??

    Putain jsui dcu... [​IMG]

    Non je plaisante! [​IMG][​IMG]

    It's corrected!

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