Do you mean that the orientations are opposite (point up vs. point down)? Or do you mean that you habitually use the B (clockwise) and C (counterclockwise) buttons in ARS, where B is to the left of C, as opposed to A (also counterclockwise) and B? Kick T-spins are a key part of Tetris DS standard versus mode. These usually work only one way. How do you rotate in pre-2001 games or in games other than Tetris and its direct clones, such as Dr. Mario, Puyo Pop, Super Puzzle Fighter II, or Lumines? The Game Boy Advance, Game Boy Advance SP, and Game Boy micro have two face buttons: B and A, with B on the left. B would move the piece to the left, and A to the right. But which button would soft drop or firm drop the piece? Would those stay bound to down and up respectively?
I mean the orientations. I only use A and B (Z/X, A/S or CTRL/ALT on kbd) in ARS. The probability of me properly performing a T-spin (sometimes I try) is about 5%. I actually go "whoohoo!" when I manage to pull one off. Yes, I suck that bad. My wifi rating is 6015. Before I discovered TGM and tetrisconcept, I used to play Nintendo's NES Tetris on a NES emulator (so keyboard controls) occasionally. I only rotated one way, but NES Tetris doesn't actually go past what, 1/3G or something? Also note that I sucked even more at tetris before I discovered TGM; in fact it was more of a love/hatred relationship where I'd play some games because it was addicting, but got annoyed at the fact that my friends would totally own my YATetris highscores on my cellphone.
edo: Essentially, this is how my game behaves right now. There actually isn't any real animation, per se; just a period of time where the playfield isn't updated following the line clear code. When I say line clear animation, I'm currently referring to line clear delay. Line clear delay is separate from ARE at the moment as score and grade information is updated in the first frame of the delay following a line clear. I could put them together, but for now they will remain separate. Other than that, line clear delay should still behave the same as ARE in terms of control. As I previously mentioned, it also does not add any time to ARE when the line clear delay is zero. Thank you for those tables, though. They'll probably help if I ever make a real line clear animation. I'm not really sure how I'd go about mimicking the times that TAP will not allow DAS to charge at this point, but I may try to copy that behavior as well. EDIT: Credit roll nearing completion. The semi-invisibility is currently implemented. Full invisibility will be included once I've added all of the M-roll checks.
Try again to become Gameboy Master! Anyway, you can obtain M and GM now. If you'd like to test the conditions without playing through the whole game, you'll need the debug code. Press Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B Select at the title screen. When in-game, hold select and press another key. L adds 100 levels, R increments the section tetrises counter, up skips the "credit roll", down sets the player's grade to S9, left jumps to ARE (which conveniently skips the active piece), and right changes the next active piece. Other benefits are next piece display and section tetris/time information when paused. EDIT: Minor update. Someone asked that I add L+R+Select+Start as a reset combination. Both A+B+Select+Start and L+R+Select+Start reset the game now. A doubt anyone would randomly be mashing those keys and ruining good games, but I figured I'd put the information out there. EDIT2: Major minor update. CheckLoss came before MoveTetrimino, which disallowed IRS saving moves. You'll probably want to download this again. EDIT3: I fixed the credits behavior in Death mode. It used to be the same as the Master mode credits with a pause and field clear.
Very nice, though I wouldn't mind if the A and B keys were switched. Since I usually play on the PC, my left middle finger is on the A key (counter-clockwise) and my index on the S key (clockwise). Playing this on the DS my hands are reversed, so I instinctively feel that the outer key (A on the DS) should be counter-clockwise, and the inner key ( to be clockwise. Currently, it is the other way around.
kesiev: I haven't added anything for a couple weeks, but I wouldn't call it entirely dead. All of the key features are in place, but I'll still be working on it from time to time. I do need to devote some of my time to school, after all. sixb0nes: So, I suppose this is a call for an options menu? I'll keep that in mind next time I'm working on it.
This thread is very old, I know. But I'd like to as if someone has still the copy of the source code of this clone ? @Kitaru I've found the binary on your website but not the source. I'm coding for more than a year now a TGM clone for PC but I wanted to port it to GBA. As I've discovered your game I thought it might help me so this is why I'm asking