Who likes Klax?

Thread in 'Other games' started by tepples, 11 May 2009.

  1. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Genius. You'll be credited in the changelog for 0.02 and probably even the next version of Lockjaw should I get around to it.

    Speaking of 0.02: Any suggestions for what I should attack next?
  2. I've had the game crash on me a few times when using the speed up for some reason. I'm not sure what that is all about.

    Also, you can play for a significant amount of time without placing any tiles in the well. All you have to do is pick a column to dump tiles in, constantly toss them, and switch to the appropriate columns and back as tiles are generated elsewhere. It eventually becomes too much to handle, but it seems strange that there is such a viable diversion to actually playing the game like a puzzle.
  3. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Does it really crash, or does it just close when you miss a tile and lose your last ??

    I'll take that as "add a delay after game over".
  4. Full on, unexplained lock up. I have to go to the Task Manager and end the process. It seems to only happen when I use the speed up key, and it isn't terribly consistent either as far as I've seen.

    A delay after game over would be nice too. I've mashed my way out of a game or two, haha.
  5. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    So you appear to have found a freeze in FK Convey 0.01. From the terminology that you use to describe your operating system's process monitor, you appear to be running the Windows binary, not a self-compiled . But is it Windows XP, Windows Vista, or something else? What percent of CPU is fk.exe using normally and during a freeze, and does it remain relatively constant or change over time? Are you willing to run PM'd test builds with extra debugging info on the screen?
  6. Windows XP, 0% CPU, and fairly constant memory usage. I saw it drop by 4KB at some point after a freeze for some reason. After doing a forced quit, memory consumption jumped by ~1MB for a moment before everything closed. I'd be willing to run some test builds.
  7. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    Chuckle. that only works on "tile waves" on the real thing.

    To survive the wave based structure of the real game,k you MUST make klaxes, except on those waves.

    Whiel you can toss tiles around, you get no score for doing so.

    You DO get points for each tile caught, and those are not subtracted when you toss the tile back up. but the amount of poitns fo rdoing so is 5, regardless of level.

    Even vertical 3 klaxes give more points.
  8. Tepples, that previous makefile, while very useful until Allegro 5 comes, had some issues with efficiency. This is a significantly reorganized version, that does everything in a single $(shell) command:
    CC := gcc
    CFLAGS := -Wall -O -std=gnu99
    GCC_ATLEAST_4_3 := $(shell \
    	VERSION=`$(CC) -dumpversion`;\
    	MAJOR=`sed -e 's/\([[:digit:]]\{1,\}\).*/\1/' <<< "$$VERSION"`;\
    	MINOR=`sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{1,\}\.\([[:digit:]]\{1,\}\).*/\1/' <<< "$$VERSION"`;\
    	if [ \( $$MAJOR -gt 4 \) -o \( \( $$MAJOR -eq 4 \) -a \( $$MINOR -ge 3 \) \) ]; then echo yes; fi;\
    ifeq ($(GCC_ATLEAST_4_3), yes)
    	CFLAGS += -fgnu89-inline
    .PHONY: test
    	@echo $(CC) $(CFLAGS)
    In the previous version, certain commands were executed multiple times, but here each piece of data is generated once. This also only uses one variable in the makefile for version detection, keeping it a bit cleaner.
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2009
  9. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    nightmareci: Your new code gives "/bin/sh: Syntax error: redirection unexpected" on Ubuntu Hardy.

    I've run into another blocker: assigning buttons to the menu system. Players using a keyboard or gamepad want to be able to do
    • Toss tile (D-pad up): Go to previous line
    • Speed up (D-pad down): Go to next line
    • Drop tile (X button): Choose
    But players holding a guitar want to be able to do
    • Toss tile (strum up): Go to previous line
    • Drop tile (strum down): Go to next line
    • Fret 1: Choose
    Should I just break down and add options for how to navigate the menu (like StepMania's MenuUp and MenuDown)?
  10. How about use a GuitarFreaks-style menu and use the frets to cycle through the menu? Haha, nah, let's not add to the confusion.
  11. Here's a slight alteration of the previous:
    CC := gcc
    CFLAGS := -Wall -O -std=gnu99
    GCC_ATLEAST_4_3 := $(shell \
    	VERSION=`$(CC) -dumpversion`;\
    	MAJOR=`echo $$VERSION | sed -e 's/\([[:digit:]]\{1,\}\).*/\1/'`;\
    	MINOR=`echo $$VERSION | sed -e 's/[[:digit:]]\{1,\}\.\([[:digit:]]\{1,\}\).*/\1/'`;\
    	if [ \( $$MAJOR -gt 4 \) -o \( \( $$MAJOR -eq 4 \) -a \( $$MINOR -ge 3 \) \) ]; then echo yes; fi;\
    ifeq ($(GCC_ATLEAST_4_3), yes)
    	CFLAGS += -fgnu89-inline
    .PHONY: test
    	@echo $(CC) $(CFLAGS)
    I've had someone else test this in a current version of Xubuntu with GCC 4.3 to build my special version of Lockjaw .46a using libjpeg, and they succeeded in building, as have I in Archlinux. I suspect the <<< input redirection operator doesn't work in whatever version of bash you're using, so I replaced its use with echo.
    Last edited: 29 Jun 2009
  12. Remember that Ubuntu uses dash as /bin/sh

    [It's an anti-cracking heuristic. Try this. --MOD]
  13. Muf


    O lawd is that sum Quake 1 texture?
  14. yeah, textures are rather dull, but gameplay is ok.
  15. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    It works on Ubuntu 8.04; I'll try it on Windows tomorrow before I put out FK Convey 0.02.

    In points waves, practice the step ladder pattern: (5000 + 50) * 2 = 10,100 points. You can drop the last wild tile while a vertical 3 is clearing for a bit of a boost.
    This pattern can be expanded. Here's a step ladder overlapping a little T for (10000 + 1000 + 50) * 3 = 33,150 points.
    I was testing FK's goal code today with a 100,000 points wave, and I managed to pull off one of these: (10000 + 1000 + 50 + 1000 + 10000) * 5 = 110,250 points, or an instant win.
     [5] [1]
  16. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    So here's FK Convey 0.02 for you to bang on.

    Kitaru: Please try this and let me know what color the blinking box in the upper left corner of the screen shows when it freezes.
  17. I haven't been able to get it to crash for some time now, unfortunately. The world may never know!

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