Thanks for the link, iphys. ... board.html is the leaderboard, and high score is about 22.7k. One can get roughly that score from doing Z stacking. If I knew what I know today back then, I might've made it into the bracket, but probably would've still gotten destroyed in the bracket. (I managed to play one of the top 16 one day on the bus for fun, and managed to nicely get my ass kicked every time. haha.)
If I remember correctly, I think either Tyler or Remy said they just did straight tetrising instead of SZ stacking for the time bonus. I could be wrong.
Well, I can't tell for certain of course, but I was estimating based on stuff like the length of the scroll bars, the number of sections in the summary, and the fact that Japanese is generally a more compact language than English.
Thanks for the info. I just tried it myself and score ~20k going for speed tetrises. I hope they do something like this near me
Long time no post. To my recollection, I don't believe either of us had learned SZ stacking at that point. Midway through the qualifying period, Tyler realized that by using a certain setup to achieve two consecutive T-spin doubles from the start, and finishing with straight Tetrises, he could edge out the remainder of the competition. And so he did, while I amongst others chose to focus my energies strictly on forming the Tetrises. When it came down to the finals, Tyler and I had determined that while we were only in the beginning phase of learning T-spins (unless he was damn good at hiding it), based on the observed competition there was little to no need to use them against others. Suffice it to say I almost lost in the quarterfinals to a proficient T-spinner, and my opponent in the finals, Traci, was also decent.
To clarify a few things... I did use a setup where I first started off with two TSDs then from there went into straight tetrises to get the biggest possible time bonus.... this link will show you what I mean. This is from a quick trial I just did, a score of roughly 197xx (19754 on my run) can be attained by st stacking (8 TSDs and 2 tetrises). So even without the time bonus, a score that would get a slot in top 16 would be attainable with that method. So if you could st stack and finish 25 lines in less than 2 minutes, you'd get enough of a time bonus to roughly match my score. Since my lack of experience with t-spins and any t-spin related strategy, I opted to try and push the limits of my small amount of knowledge with t-spins, and then rely more on speed to get a higher time bonus.