Video of the Tetris DS "I" block cheater

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Sully, 17 May 2006.

  1. TGM-Liem

    TGM-Liem Unregistered

    I've only played this guy a few times... and he left right away..

    The best method against him at first is to quickly hit him with single garbage... t-spin, or double lines.. then go for the kill with tetris's or t-spins...

    He is a HORRIBLE player.. can not deal with garbage well at all...
  2. cosmonaut

    cosmonaut Unregistered

    hey nicholas... why do you say that beginning with tetrises is not the best way to start? just curious.
  3. Sully

    Sully Unregistered

    You want to get him some junk ASAP. He doesn't deal with junk well at all.
  4. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    And is limited to deal with junk due to having only I pieces.

    Think about it. To pull off an L triple as a result of junk thrown at him, he has to drop an additional I piece to grab it, or may even take the time to build up to get the Tetris.

    I've not seen him in a bit. Anyone else?
  5. Josh

    Josh Unregistered

    I haven't seen him at all. I want to get a chance to play him and see if I can beat the cheating bastard. Are there any specific times that he plays?
  6. Shirase

    Shirase Unregistered

    With the way garbage spawns sometimes, you'd think he'd have an advantage.

    In this situation, speed does indeed kill...

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