VEGA Arcade London

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by Oliver, 14 Mar 2016.

  1. possibly, would have to see closer to the time
  2. Just for clarification, can we have another call for who is coming to VEGA on the 16th and at what time(s)? (Not next Saturday but the one after.)
  3. I will probably be arriving sometime between 1pm and 2pm, and then staying for several hours. I need to be at a bar near Liverpool St station for 8:30pm but up until that point I'll basically have nothing else to do but Ti
  4. Uli


    I might come as well. After Lunch.
  5. Josh has given me some info regarding the potential lock-in in August. He's set aside the 19th (Friday) and the 20th (Saturday) nights for us (I wanted to try for two nights), though I have told him it's only tentative at the moment.

    He says we all need to bring ID for health and safety, and to notify him of any health issues we might have (I'm assuming things such as asthma etc) ahead of time.

    If you have any "health issues" and you think you'd be able to come, please tell me either in this thread or by PM* if you'd rather do that so I can get things sorted.
    Last edited: 31 Mar 2021
    Tomek likes this.
  6. Fortunately, I don't have any health issues.
    Now I have just to plan my trip to London in a way that I'm there on the 19th and the 20th.
    If I understood well, if this happens, it will have to be on those days ? (It won't be possible for me to change my tickets once I've booked the eurostar)
  7. It's best not to buy tickets as of yet, the dates are tentative (though they should be fine) and we have like 2 people who can definitely be there right now. I'd wait until we have more confirmation.
    Tomek likes this.
  8. I'm not buying right now, but still I'd like to have the definitive dates quite some time in advance to book cheap ticket ;)
  9. Trainline Europe won't allow me to buy tickets until at least May, so I'd say we'll probably have stuff sorted by then.
    Tomek likes this.
  10. I'll be there at least one of the days (the Saturday), though probably won't bother staying over (feels kind of unnecessary when I live a 45min train ride plus 10 mins of walking away).

    No health issues, though I assume that only applies to people there overnight anyway.
  11. Had a slow morning, so probably going to be at VEGA today a little bit later than planned - looking like 2:30-3pm.
  12. Uli


    ill ne there At 1ish
  13. There we go. Decided to not instantly post as I was pretty hungry and tired by the time I got back. Arrived somewhere around 3PM and stuck around til it was time for Rosti to leave. I got extremely close to taking the 0-100 ST before Rosti nabbed it along with 4 others. All I can say is I had fun there and for some reason I can't play on the right side of the cab without mis-dropping every other piece. We definitely need more people there though :p

    Edit: Also, Buses in London are weird.
    Last edited: 17 Apr 2016
  14. Was a fun afternoon - been a while since I've played so much continuous arcade Tetris that my left arm was actually really sore for a good hour or two afterwards. Had a few games of Puzzle Bobble as well. I wasn't playing particularly well, but I blame that more on me being out of practice rather than the hardware. Also Qlex you must have been bloody slow when you were playing for me to manage to swipe five of the section times.

    VEGA itself is pretty nice (and is weirdly almost exactly the same as Casino Leisure on Tottenham Court Rd, except with rhythm games instead of all the shmups). Definitely keen for the lock-in event.
    Qlex likes this.
  15. is the Ti cab still in an obnoxious place where you can't play 2 player properly
  16. It's not too bad - a little cramped but that's the case for pretty much any small 2p cab imo. Does get massively drowned out whenever anyone is playing DDR next to it though.
  17. I think it's mainly the size of the cabinet that's the problem. It feels like it should be a 1 player cabinet so the sticks need to be way further apart.

    Fixed it for you. <3
  18. so they haven't fixed anything i told them about
  19. Uli


    We have been able to play for free ... I'm grateful for that.
  20. [​IMG]
    FreakyByte likes this.

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