
Thread in 'Discussion' started by colour_thief, 1 Jul 2009.

  1. Idea: having a post filter that searches for common Tetris related acronyms (DAS, TDS, TAP, Ti, TGM, ARE, B2B, TST etc...) and adds an <accronym> tag (or <abbr>) with the proper title attribute around it. So for instance,

    Guidelines games such as TDS definitely need a fast DAS.
    Guidelines games such as <accronym title="Tetris DS">TDS</accronym> definitely need a fast <accronym title="accronym for Delayed Auto Shift, i.d. autorepeat">DAS</accronym>.
  2. (except ARE is not an acronym xD)
  3. ARE is acronym-like. At any rate, it does fall under the category of jargon. :p
  4. but not something that has a single "proper title". Though of course you could easily just assign it one (entry delay).
  5. In which Quad has a brilliant suggestion

    Or link to the wiki.

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