Two girls for every boy

Thread in 'Discussion' started by jujube, 6 Aug 2008.

  1. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    except at TC.

    i think the words "casual" and "simple" are thrown around a bit too much in this article, and maybe this demonstrates a lack of knowledge of the game and its players by the author. regardless, the statistics (women gamers age 25-34 outnumber their male counterparts nearly 2 to 1??) suggest there are many many female players out there, assuming the study was done properly.

    yep, sounds simple to me. equal participation = equal results. is there any reason to believe a female would not continue to improve at tetris in an environment like the TC forum, where we're organizing tournaments and challenging each others' records, pushing each other to improve through praise and a little humiliation? women aren't afraid to lose sometimes, are they? [​IMG]

    and now my favorite quote i found. this is from an interview with Alexey Pajitnov done in 1999.
    here's another lovely quote from the ancient article. just going off topic here for the moment because it made me laugh:
    back on topic. why are there so few female members at TC? is the atmosphere too competitive for the "casual player?" there are a lot of females playing tetris, and most of them have the internet, so what gives.
  2. I'm sure quite a few play tetris friends. But there's a huge TGM crowd here, and virtually none of the western population has heard of it, male or female. Guideline tetris plays well for casuals, and most people won't go farther than beating level 15 of marathon mode.
  3. Muf


    I think you have to take into account that people will say they play Tetris even though they mean they play N-Blox during lunch breaks or something equally inane. I only know of one girl personally that plays Tetris, and she's into TetriNET. All of my other friends, both gender, can mostly be considered gamers in the broad sense, but none of them are even able to clear Easy mode in Ti.
  4. A female TC member told me it was hard to get into any of the discussion because the site is very esoteric. She's pretty much right, though.
  5. There was a few girls that played Cultris regularly. A couple of them are always on the top 20 and one girl won the Cultris tournament. There has to be a good amount of female tetris players that play tetris competitively.

    I agree that this site is esoteric but with the kind of things that are usually being discussed it is hard to avoid it. This affects both men and women though (I don't have much knowledge about most stuff people discuss on TC).

    The reason their isn't many female TC members could just be that the competitive, female tetris players haven't found TC yet.
  6. If it wasn't esoteric there wouldn't be much point in coming here, so... Yeah. I'm not sure how someone could complain about that. We're friendly enough to answer honest questions too... I can't see how we could be any better really.
  7. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Lots of girls play Tetris Splash, and that's just those with the mics on, so I can see how this would be true.
  8. I think there are ways to improve. For example, on more than one occasion I have spotted blogs that linked here and quoted some lengthy sentence off the wiki of our Tetris jargon kind of to show how crazy we are about Tetris.
  9. i remember tetrinet2 had dozens of girls playing, about half the community were females. I notice girls love the multiplayer aspect of tetris - Tetris DS, cultris, tetris splash and tetrinet all have a good amount of females. Tetrisconcept threads are primarily about singleplayer games and 20g, using terms many people don't understand, and I think that scares some of them away because it's too foreign to them and it looks too nerdy from an outsider's view. Even my girlfriend who loves tetris and plays as much as I do thinks this website is too nerdy.
  10. when u play dr. mario for wiiware u see TONS of females miis. it might be...50/50 actually.

    (anyone wanna play it with me? pm me for fc)

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I'd take a stab and say it's the social aspect of multiplayer that attracts more females. TC is more singleplayer focused and the result are more esoteric discussions as opposed to ones that are more casual. Even if TC did attract a more multiplayer centric crowd, it would probably still lack the casual nature present in multiplayer communities. You can't really change TC without changing its audience.

    That said, the jargon used on this site is only seemingly daunting. Casuals just have to take some time to learn the terms that describe the game mechanics. I'd hate to dumb down every sentence just to please people that aren't willing to sacrifice a couple of minutes to look at the glossary. Not to say that everything is already simplified and streamlined on the wiki, but how ridiculous would it be to explain what DAS, lock delay, etc. is on every article? There are some complicated stuff on the wiki but the purpose of those is to appeal to the jargon-familiared crowd, not the casual crowd.
  12. phpBB word replacement + <abbr> (or <accroynm>) tag with one simple definition in it ?
  13. I would simply say that it's because women tend not to take games to the levels of a serious hobby in the same way that guys do. I'm sure a lot of girls play Tetris DS, but I really doubt that any of them play it often enough or take the game seriously enough to bring themselves to the sort of elite and hardcore fanbase that TC incorporates.

    They still play it, they just don't pile hours and hours into the games like we do.
  14. Muf


    I would say there are enoug that do pile hours into the game, but are just content with taking the game as it is without understanding its mechanics inside and out.
  15. i think they have sex in their free time.
  16. The women I know from Tetris Worlds and Tetris Splash invested more time into the game than I ever did. I also remember one in particular "SEXYMOM" who was all about playing to improve her skill. I remember another who was flat out addicted to the game to the point where it was affecting her marriage. One from Tetris Splash had a very competitive persona. Generally all the women I got to know preferred playing in the room where the top competitors played. In general, however, I'd say guys are simply better than girls in Tetris. I've always attributed this to men being superior in spatial reasoning, which is well documented.
  17. But you're talking about specific people rather than general, and it's still Tetris Splash, which isn't the most hardcore of Tetris games in my opinion. It is odd that we have pretty much no female active members, but we have had a few. I tend to find women are a minority on internet messageboards anyway, generally regardless of the subject matter.
  18. I'm talking about women in general from the ones I know, and I'm using examples. It's Tetris Worlds, too--not just Splash. What is the hardcore scene you're talking about? Tnet? There were some fierce female players on Tnet, I remember.
  19. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    Tetris Splash is about as hardcore as it's going to get in America. Remember how just a year ago there were a few of you gushing about it's mechanics and programmable controls.

    Which, btw, don't translate over to multiplayer. Which is a bitch for trying to use my arcade stick.

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