What's wrong with playing 5 hours of tetris from time to time? If someone had a special weekend event where they, say, watched every Star Wars movie, I don't think you would be making such a comment.
that was something like a compliment but you have not noticed it..Too subtile maybe..Ok, let's go for a simple : "woah !! 35 M in a day !! it is insane !! you are so strong and consistent !!"
ah ! OK....I am ready again for 1 year of bad reputation... 1 : I was in a very bad humor 2 : He deserved it !! I have nothing else to say.lol ofcourse the point #2 is a joke.. I would like to see you at my place c_t..I find that my motivation and my resistance against the depression is an example...I really would like seeing you struggling like I've been doing since September.And you would understand what makes me so afraid and agressive..The risk to have rich a maximum unbreakable point is still present in my head..Where do you think taratang is ?? And those other hundred players who disapeared ? You can not imagine the whole implication I place on that game..So when I see someone doing in 3 weeks what I did in 3 months, it is a swindle. excuse me to explode like I did for kevin.. When I wrote this message, I was definitely prepared to leave this place and Tetris. But the obsession came back again in my head. If a genius or a god would propose me to forget everything about TETRIS in 1 sec, I would accept.. It is not only a game I am fond of, or even an obsession...It is more like this for me, it is an area I use to proove myself that I can do anything with enough motivation..I don't play with the objectif to become a common storng player at TGM, I want to be one of the best, and I sacrify plenty of time for this. I don't want to waste my time to see everyone passing me months after months.. I was sure that was you..I had planed that you would translate the text for kevin at the moment where I wrote it.. I can not stand the idea that a player A can do something that a player B can not with his maximal motivation to success.. or it would mean that I am really stupid, with a smaller brain than kevin, rosti, digital or you, and in this case it would be useless that I continu.. well..I promised you something earlier, DO NOT stop until I tried to play with a real stick..I will hold my promess. Oh, and you know what, I have nothing to hide :
You could have a good point there Seriously, Amnesia, you need blinkers (Scheuklappen/Uillire) or something. You should concentrate far less on how others are improving. And if people do improve quickly, you should think "They have improved quickly, good job for them", not "They have improved faster than me, the fucking assholes". People improve at different rates, and people start off with different amounts of skill. You don't know what prior experience someone has when they start playing TGM. They could have played other variants of Tetris or other games that develop the same set of mental skills that help fast Tetris play. Maybe they have a better way of practising than you do, or put more time into Tetris. It doesn't matter. Maybe if you concentrated less on how everyone else was doing you'd have more space free in your mind to concentrate on what you are doing.
I'm thinking of a long reply to this...so far it is 4 pages of single spaced text...I want to share my story. Please, don't lock this thread just yet; maybe you guys will understand why I am the way I am a little better after these things..
The gnarly looking tally can itself. Tallies were cut with butter knives, flathead screwdrivers, and scissors.
I figure that Coca-Cola fits in reasonably with ARS, what with the red color and subtitle "Classic" and all. Fanta is a Coca-Cola product as well, correct?
Reading this, I can't help but think of the great chess Grand Master, Aron Nimzovich, who in 1925 faced defeat at the hands of the far inferior Friedrich Samisch. Everyone at the tournament knew who the better player was - the audience knew it, Nimzovich knew it, and even Samisch himself would have admitted he was outclassed. What was remarkable was not that the lesser player won, but the ridiculous display of eccentricity that followed. Nimzovich in his exasperation, swept the chess pieces to the floor, leapt up on to the table, fell to his knees, and exclaimed: "Why must I lose to this IDIOT?!" Samisch was so amused that he didn't even take offense at being called an idiot. Likewise, I suspect Kevin doesn't even mind being told that he's devoid of style; Amnesia's obvious state of torment, and his reliably crazy melodramatic outbursts are just far too funny. Honestly Amnesia, I don't know what we would do without you!
Kasparov had a similar reaction few years ago, when he lost to Radjabov (who was 15 years old at the time)
lolwut?! roflrofl!!! Wow Amnesia! You worry too much about INSIGNIFICANT things. Instead of being constantly obsessed with how others play and perform you should just keep developing your OWN game style which is clearly far supperior for what YOU want to achieve and what most ARS player would call REAL skill. Forget about becoming the best Western player and ENJOY the game more. You put a tremendous amount of pressure on yourself by telling yourself everyday that you have to become the best. You would probably have been an even better player by now if you didn't put yourself constantly under so much pressure. Also the way you compare yourself with Kevin is totally wrong. He focuses on certain games and modes more than you do and has confidence in his OWN playing style. He too will hit a brick wall in the modes he's good at and will be forced to be patient and to adapt if he wants to get even better. Have you seen where Kevin stands on the TGM1, TAP Master and T.A. Death leaderboard? You are firmly vested at the very top which gives us a clear indication of your overall ARS skill. As long as he doesn't come near your personal bests over there, he is no threat to you as an ARS player. And what if he beats you or equals you in some modes using methods you consider low? That doesn't make him a better or worse player than you nor does that mean that you have wasted your time practicing your own way. Kevin is a great player with a stunning growth rate in some games/modes and I respect him for that, but I don't see why you should worry about him so much (yet). And even if at some point he surpasses you, how does that prevent you from doing your own thing and explore how far you can take the game? You can't be the best at everything you're obsessed with. Just accept the fact that other people will be better than you at a lot of things. Make sure you keep improving your OWN strengths and enjoy the game. If something this silly is bothering you then I actually lost some respect for you.
Hmmm...Sage paroles.. Et pourtant, dsl, mais je n'arriverai jamais extirper de ma tte ces vocations comptitives dmoniaques.. J'aime bien kevin en fait ! J'ai besoin d'une "confrontation" avec quelqu'un avant d'etre son ami..Ca a t la mme pour Digital, maintenant on s'adore.. J'allais justement ajouter kevin ma liste msn pour discuter et organiser notre match qu'il va gagner 10-2..