Records: [Ti] Shirase

Thread in 'Competition' started by colour_thief, 22 Nov 2008.

  1. [​IMG]

    Marginal improvement.
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    There is only a thin gap now to admit that he is going to get stronger than you c_t..
    How can we stop it. I would have not imagined that he could pass the barrier of 5:50. :$
  3. K


    this official thread need to dig up
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Mais t'es tellement mauvais aussi..:D

    Au fait je viens chez toi le 5 Nov au soir t'es au courant j'espère ?!
  5. K


    tiens en parlant de mauv'être, il t'a fallu combien de temps pour passer le torikan ?
    je veux dire a partir du moment ou tu as commencer a jouer au style TGM3 (toute version de clone confondue)

    attention, j'ai des références:sneaky:
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I started HEBORIS DOOM around March 2008, got 500 very quickly at 2:48 maybe...
    I got my first torikan in Jun or July 2008. So 3 or 4 months.

    I am lazy to check the whole HEBORIS - DOOM thread.
  7. It took me about a year.
  8. Shmupmeet, oh hey Ti, I was the most experienced player there which made me sad, etc.
  9. SWR


    I did not even realize my time until right before I left. I cannot believe how close I got. I wasn't even trying (hence the fail at 499).
    I'm quite upset. I just can't believe I was under the torikan by 10 seconds* and I just let myself fall...
    It is going to be a long time before I perform that well again. How depressing.

    *the torikan is 2:28.00 right? It's been a while.
  10. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    I hate being the one to break it to you, but 2:18:41 is actually the time you hit level 400 and achieved the S4; not the time at death.
  11. SWR


    so even though my level was 499 it keeps my time when I hit S4?
    Jeez that's confusing. Well I guess I have no reason to be upset anymore (except that I still need a lot of work).
  12. Ti time is always mastering time, and your grade gets updated each section

    well really tgm ranking time is always mastering time
  13. K


    UMA lvl 1000 in 4:33..

    AMNESIA lvl 1000 at 4:36..
  14. mat


  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    WORLD :

    S12 - 1235 @ 06:29:48 (death time), Gold ST and SK
  16. classic s7 741 3:21:68 (death), 3:10:81 (mastering), gold SK
  17. mat


    1120 - 05:21:53 - gold st, gold sk
  18. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    Another of my old records:

       1--EDO-------------------S12 - 1257 @ 05:15:70 - 07/24/10 - SI       GO - no hold
  19. mat


    s13 world!

       2--mat-------------------S13 - 1300 @ 07:13:36 - 06/13/11 - GO       GO - Green
  20. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    316 @ 2:08:18


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