Records: [Ti] Easy

Thread in 'Competition' started by Muf, 22 Aug 2008.

  1. Haha yeah, no worries, I'm just messing with you! :p I think my Easy score is, what, a little over half of that? I wish I could play it more often and learn the ways of the combo.
  2. This is way freaking overdue.


    659 Hanabi. I'd post my other SC records but I forgot to take pics of them.
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    804 !

    Finaly, I had a lot of long combos, 2 of them were long with a tspin single for last move.
    The staff roll was really a failure, which is a very good sign actually.

    Is it the same ratio than beginner mode in HEBORIS ?
    Like approximately 1/3 of the points in the 200 levels and 2/3 in the staff roll ?
    I don't think..Because it would mean I can get 1600+ easily..^^
  4. You're sort of right. Approximately, you get 1/3 from the first 200 levels, 1/3 from the credit roll, and 1/3 earned from the first 200 levels but awarded during the credit roll. So 0-200 is more like 2/3 but the reward is delayed.

    For reference, I could beat your score with 0 lines in the credit roll (but still survival).
  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I found your 1400 video, I will carefully watch it, could you give me the article you had about the points method of the easy mode.
    I can't accept that Kevin stay above me in a stacking and style mode.
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I have a few questions.
    I like your shape style, I think I am intellegent enough to copy it and make a 1200+ score, but I don't want to stole your work. I should try to find my own combo style.
    Why did not you put the T on the right at lv 166 to continu your shape building ?
    Why so little combos during the staff roll ?

    edit : I am just noticing your PM, still did not read...
  7. You should "play to win". Don't worry about copying my style or anyone else's. At 166 I didn't take the double because the combo was already broken at 165. During the staff roll my style is to try and get as many t-spin combos as possible.
  8. I'm satisfied with this.

  9. Well, here's where I am after 2 games.

     12--Budster---------------432 - 200 @ 02:40:10 - 07/12/11
    Last edited: 17 Jul 2011
  10. Classic: 1155 @ 2:37:51
  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    2:17:20, 845

    I hate this mode, you can't imagine how I hate it.
  12. [​IMG]

    10--Budster---------------690 - 200 @ 03:06:46 - 07/17/11
  13. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I finaly performed something we can not consider as a big shit anymore, but it is really not famous for the stuff I have done. I just failed a bit the end of the staff roll.

  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    WORLD 710 btw.
  15. 1162, 2:46:20. Classic, ofc
    Screenshots are allowed now, right?
  16. Ai


    After looking for Ti Easy videos on YouTube yesterday I stumbled across MOM's YouTube channel with a few very impressive Classic Ti Easy performances! ^^
  17. Man, just checked this page, saw the title (TGM4MOM), so I went to mihara's page, watched the tgm4 video and... damn, do I wanted to play that game. I mean, I love big mode and I love bravos (and I love little girls in the background... NOT haha but nevermind)
  18. By the way, thereĀ“s no news about TGM4?? Cancelling was the final decision??
  19. 890 @ 2:38.71 at SouthTown yesterday. I'm getting a bit better at the MOM style hurdle -> t-spin pattern.

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