The Carnival of Death (planning for March 25th)

Thread in 'Discussion' started by colour_thief, 11 Mar 2008.

  1. Transform piece is easy to handle, because it won't alter the piece if you IRS. Sure, it limits you to three rotation states for each piece, but it hardly kills you. For Master vs it can actually be helpful to be able to change the piece by rotating it.

    No rotate doesn't exist in TAP to my knowledge.

    Really, in TAP the only item guaranteed to screw you over is hard block.
  2. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    i don't have tap, and only have heboris multiplayer to be done.

    And there are all SORtS of brutal items in there.

    Fake next, for example is really nasty because it denys you your initial rotation withotu you realising it.

    And of course there's "miss" which lasts an obscenely long time, and prevents you from gathering item energy or progressing towards the target.

    Remote control is of course absolutely devstating, and magnet block WILL kill someone with a high stack at 20 g play (the piece auto locks instantly!)
  3. Heboris isn't TAP.

    Does TAP have ridiculous broken items?

    If no, then I want items.
  4. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    i dont' know what the item list in tap is.

    All i know is that "hard block" is there,and that's one of the more brutal items, though not insurmountable.
  5. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I'd seriously like no items. I suppose there could be two tiers for items and no items? That'd work. But lag is bad. Or heck, we could even have a meeting place for each county.
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    This carneval should begin tomorow is not it ?

    So maybe it is about time to explain some stuff on the first post of this thread..

    Where can I find a kaillera support or something else ?

    How shall I use it ?

    Who want organize the battle !?? [​IMG]
  7. I think there should be an items and a no-items one.

    Zaphod, none of the ones you mentioned are in TAP.

    Off the top of my head:

    Colour - doesn't really do anything to a good player

    X-Ray - similarly easy to ignore

    180 flip - Depends on the stack, but usually isn't too devastating

    Mirror - Can be pretty disorientating at 20G

    Transform - Not that damaging if you only use IRS

    Death Block - Pretty lethal if the stack is high/messy

    Hard Block - Generally a pain in the ass regardless of the stack. If you're playing someone good, it's usually game over.
  8. The only items that really affect me are Death Block, and Roll Roll. I'm not sure what Rosti has against Hard Block... I think Death Block is the only "broken" one, especially if it's the O block, because of the serious overstacking that results.

    I really don't care if items are on or off... I don't really think it'll change the results. With the amount of lag we're looking at, this can't be a serious tournament no matter what the rules are.

  9. I'd forgotten about Roll Roll, which is a pain.

    Hard Block for me is the worst one because it messes your field up. It's not lethal in what it does, but it's more the time you have to spend sorting it out while your opponent flings garbage at you. Out of all the items, it's effect is the longest.
  10. gila

    gila Unregistered

    heboris can emulate tgm-only items, there's an option for it.

    heh... have you seen nega field effect in action? that's probably the most damaging overall item in tap, although i've seen it only once there. extremely rare... tap also has dark block and exchange field too, also rare ones.

    as for hard block, you obviously have to place it so it will "take" minimum vertical lines. there's also gunshot item that messes up field pretty bad.

    items are very fun when you play just... well, for fun [​IMG] sure they're imbalanced and random and should be turned off for "pro" battles.

    the only effect of most of the items i don't like is that they can "kill" your current piece that you're controlling, very annoying, especially if it's a long-awaited I or an item block.
  11. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    nega field isn't so bad, unless your field is already trashed. then it can be a nightmare, transformig it from 3 holes in eevery row to 3 blocks in every row. the worst part of nega field is that it removes blocks that you were planning to use to get points.

    Shotgun is very nasty when you have stacked high, but is no big deal otherwise. It converts your nice tetris hole setup into garbage instantly.

    Mirror is not broken, jus tconfusing.

    Same with color block, and x-ray, thoguh i find x-ray pretty hard to deal with as my memory skills are lacking.

    Death Block will kill someone who is 4 lines away from death every time. Of course, so will 4 garbage. both together, well that can send someone from waiting on 3 tetrises to game over.

    And roll roll is VERY VERY annoying.

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