TGM TV emission (France)

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Amnesia, 19 Jan 2009.

  1. Bravo les gars, je viens finalement de regarder l'mission et c'tait vraiment bien fait. Mme si je connais dj toutes les leons, c'tait prsent d'une faon trs agrable et intressante.
  2. Muf


  3. waiting for the subbed video [​IMG]
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I can not believe it...You have been able to watch it before me..

    I am surprised, I expected at least some critics from you, when you talked about it last summer, you seemd a bit hostile to the project, I mean, the fact that I presented some old performances on TAP..
    And knowing you I really thought that you would point every defauts of the show..
    So I am very happy to heard these compliments from you !
  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    ok, I should have the video in the next few days, I propose that PP translate his part, I translate mine, I send a text file to c_t to correct and adjust the translation, and....That should not be so long..I know that PP is good for this kind of job, adding text, compressing, etc..
    But for my case I only can write it on a text, and then c_t your are good enough in french to find where my translation should be placed on the video.

    Unless that you propose to do the whole work c_t ?
  6. At the time I was worried that the show would be less interesting because there are much stronger Western performances. But in the end I see it works really very well to have the players talk about their actual play. And certainly for an introduction to the game it is not important to show the best possible game. Like you said normal people see almost no difference between 2 tps and 3 tps at 20G. They are both incomprehensible! [​IMG]

    About the subbing, my French comprehension is at a level where I understood everything perfectly and I can translate it without any difficulty. I spoke a little with PetitPrince about it yesterday and I have been thinking about the most efficient way of doing this. Originally I proposed for me to sub from the ending and we would meet in the middle. But now I'm thinking that maybe I could simply translate everything, PetitPrince could convert the translation to subs, and then you and PetitPrince would watch it once to see if you want to change any part of my translation.

    I think that would play to our strengths and get this done the fastest, but if you guys want to translate your own sections that works too. What do you think PetitPrince and Amnesia?
  7. I originally planned to translate by myself because it's a good exercice for my rusty english. But knowing myself, I know it would take *ages* before finishing it. So go translate it, we'll do the editing [​IMG] .
  8. K


    hmmm.... still haven't saw the emission....
  9. Just an update that's it's now translated which I think is at least most of the work. We've still got to turn it into subtitles.

    Jago and Amnesia, you would both have easily seen it already if you both had real internet connections. So you don't get to complain! [​IMG]
  10. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I trust you, and I trust PP for the rest of the work, which mean, put the texts on the video..

    I just would like to watch it now !!!!!
  11. If you want to watch it you must come on IRC. We will not distributre it widely for a while so that the Nolife station gets more views to support their advertisement revenu stream.
  12. Ai


    I have just seen the TGM superplay video and I want to congratulate both players for their solid presentation. So how did you get on the program anyway?

    "On ne sait pas pourquoi. C'est comme quand on demande quelqu'un pourquoi il fume. Il n'y a aucune rponse. Voil... C'est une drogue." ^^

    They sure did. ;)
  13. At first glance I thought this was an undeserved complement, but then I realized your meaning of the word master. =b It's okay, though. I still think you're a psycho, amnesia (please don't kill my family).
  14. K


    so i finally got the tv show yesterday evening, but question of priority i prefered watching the incredible HULK.... but that's another story [​IMG]
    i will watch it more closely this evening... but the first impression wasn't very positive...
    i will try to devellop next time. [​IMG]
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Tu as interet avoir des arguments solides, car tout le monde a trouv ca pas mal sauf toi..Compte tenu des conditions :
    - Distance entre intervenants (tout tourn en 3 heures..)
    - Pas de prparation (1 shoot ou 2 maxi)
    - TGM ---> immense domaine, bien plus que n'importe quel autre jeu --> problme de synthse pour des nOOb qui n'y connaissent RIEN..

    et encore dls pour le : "parti au japon pour voir les Grand Maitres.."
  16. K


    c'est assez bof dans l'ensemble, mais c'est marrant de voir vos tronches de cake.

    Ca fait plaisir de voir qu'on utilise des animations creees avec the_tool, dont certaines provenant directement de mon site sans aucune mention nulle part ni meme les remerciement... la grande classe.

    vous presentez le jeux comme des joueurs, alors qu'il fallait l'aborder comme game designer... vous allez partout et nulle part en meme temps. heureusement que le presentateur vous prend par la main, parce que sinon bonjour les blancs (a moins que ce soit fait expres).

    mais bon vous avez des bonnes excuses.... pas de preparation (on y va les mains dans les poches quoi).
    merci encore pour le "parti au japon pour voir les Grand Maitres.." ca fait vraiment animal de foire tout ca.
    perso je serais mfm j'aurai encore plus les boules de vous avoir accompagner.... on dit plusieurs fois qu'il faut faire son trou a droite.... mais bon on mentionne pas qu'il y a un un seul joueur connu qui le fait a gauche et il est avec vous dans le studio.... la tres grande classe [​IMG]
  17. a, c'est un erreur de ma part, et je le regrette beaucoup (c..d. avoir des credits digne de ce nom). J'ai laiss les monteurs faire leur propre credit (et mettre des pseudo mal orthographi) et ne leur ai pas donn une vraie liste. Pour essayer de rattraper le coup, j'ai indiqu mes remerciements dans mon gros post-mortem (scrolle un peu) sur le forum Nolife. Alors d'accord, il y a une grosse frange de l'audimat qui ne regarde pas le forum, mais c'est dj a.

    Superplay c'est essentiellement a: on a des bons joueurs d'un jeu X, et on leur demande de commenter leur partie ("Alors l j'ai fait a, parce que le jeu permet a et a..."). Une prsentation de game designer ("Alors on s'est rendu compte dans un jeu prcdent que a c'tait naze, alors dans ce jeu c'est corrig comme a") aurait t je pense moins intressante. Et pis cette dmarche l aurait t plus froide qu'une interview de joueur. a aurait t moyen aussi dans le sens o mme si on connat les mcaniques de jeu par coeur, c'est pas nous qui l'avons cr, et prendre la place de Mihara ne me plait pas.

    Tu l'aurais fait comment, toi ?

    Animal de foire ou grand passionn ? J'aurai aussi pu dire que ct aime faire des analyses statistiques sur le randomizer des jeux, est-ce que c'est un gros nerd ou juste quelqu'un qui aimerait bien connatre exactement les mcaniques de son jeu ? L'interprtation est ouverte, et tu l'as mal pris.
    Pour tre exact, je dis "cest toujours possible de jouer gauche, mais a devient dur.". Retrospectivement, c'est vrai que a aurait t intressant de mentionner explicitement mfm pour montrer que la disymmetrie du I n'est pas si insurmontable que a... mais d'un autre ct, si t'as un nouveau joueur qui veut se mettre TGM (o/ Zit_100), ben il a plus de chance de progresser en mettant son trou droite.
    Et pis bon, mfm, je suis all chez lui le soir-mme, et il n'a rien dit. Alors soit il est trop poli de mon/notre comportement de brute, soit il en a rien faire.


    - Jago don't like the fact that he isn't mentionned in the credit. I admit and regret that, and that was a blunder from my part. I say that I mentionned him in a post-mortem on Nolife's forum to save what I could (hey, how do we say "sauver les meubles" in english ?).
    - He said that he would rather present TGM as a game designer, not as a player. I respond that Superplay are interview of players and not game designers, and that the latter approach of the problem would be less "warm" that the former. I challenge him to tell us how we would have done it.
    - He don't like that we said that "he went to Japan to see the grandmasters". I said that was a problem of interpretation, and that he got that wrong and I could also name ct for his analytical work on Tetris randomizer and that would be the same problem (mega-nerd ou ultra-passionnate ?).
    - Lastly, he felt bad for mfm because we often said that playing on the left was bad, and that we didn't name him. I retort that retrospectively, that could have been interesting to do so, because that shows that it was indeed possible to play on the left, but ultimately, for a beginner, it is better to play on the right. I also said that I went at mfm's place (hey, free double-games !), and I didn't mention any of that, so he probably don't care about that.
  18. K


    - there are manner to tell things, and clearly Amnesia is not using the good one, but that's ok he excused and, i don't care anymore.
    - i'm unhappy to not have been mentioned for the work i've done on the_tool (c'est comme donner de la nourriture aux cochons )... btw i don't read no life forum. but no problem, i don't care anymore about this outdated version.
    - about mfm, mentioning his name take approximately ~1 sec.
    - don't satisfy of average. peoples know what is tetris (gameboy shit), but they surely don't know what is TGM (or maybe those freak video on youtube full of troll comment). Ok using the words "game designer" wasn't appropried so i will use "Game design presentation", and i don't give a shit of Mihara conspiracy or things like this, ARIKA is first of all a company, with men working together to lead projects to success. The game designer is for me mostly a guy overtaking credits. you should have started with overall description of the game serie and GOAL. the goal explanation is vaguely explained. whatTHE grandmaster rank challenge represent for a player is what should have been put in first. then should come the mechanics explanation as (in order) Gravity, lock delay, ARE, IRS and DAS (from ARE it become very technical so can be skipped) then but always keeping explanation for pure novice, by comparing other tetris version (eg gameboy shit) the strategy and building, wall kick should only came to the end...
    i'm also very disappointed that we see arcade stick on the table with explanation of what is a double rotation (trivia), but nothing about zangi-move and time attack... if i'm a pure neophite, by watching this emission i will simply think that those guy push lever and button as freak which is of course absolutely not the case (or maybe for amnesia [​IMG] ).
  19. Non non, c'tait vraiment pour me foutre de sa gueule.. [​IMG]

    Bon dsl si l'ensemble t'a dcu jago..Mais maintenant c'est fait..Moi aussi je me dis sans cesse que ca aurai pu tre plus abouti..
    Jago is jealous that he was not in France to present the episode himself.

    All this bullshit about giving credit or presenting slightly differently is not important. The only important goal of the episode is to give a general idea of the game and hopefully attract new players. While I agree that the most important missing detail would be to explain zangi-moves and time attack finesse, this is really not possible to explain without many slow motion animations and movies of joystick motions. So while it is very important, you can't just sit down in one take and explain all that stuff clearly. Within the limitations of the show's format, it was a great success. I happen to think that Amnesia in particular is the best person from our community who could evangelise the game on TV. We all know the subject very well, but he can speak about it with a certain passion that others cannot match.

    About credit in particular... The audience surely does not care. For example I spent ~10 hours translating this episode. DeHackEd turned it into timed subtitles, and probably soon muf will finish the rest. I'm not sure how others feel, but I was going to suggest that instead of crediting individuals we simply credit tetrisconcept. The reality is: All the people who care (tetrisconcept itself) already know you did the work on The_Tool. It's the same for you going to Japan "to train TGM". Ok so this is not strictly true, but all the people who understand the player reference (tetrisconcept again) know the truth.

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