A screenshot from what I believe is 777's best MONO mode performance. Gm in 09:09:71 with a score of 212274.
Was wondering if getting GM in 20G mode was possible without locking at all (disabled the down motion of my joystick) but just with optimized placements and tetrises-only game. This one was a poor game after 500, will have to try again later edit: second try: almost certain it's not possible to get Gm, however, it's a very good training for stacking and finesse manoeuvring
By the numbers... You make about what, 280 lines during the course of a game? So at least 719 pieces must be placed. 280 lines, and let's say they're all tetrises (hah) gives us 70 clears, or 48 seconds based on that delay alone. 719 pieces, 1 second per piece (lock + ARE): 12 minutes. So there you go: 12 minutes, 48 seconds minimum. This is the optimistic case: no singles, no levelstops, bravo finish. Doable with a TAS, probably, and very good knowledge of what's coming up from the randomizer.
(High score) I only really wasted time at a section boundary once. This could be hugely improved if I were to abuse it.
20G + Mono (it's actually better than my current 20G mode, not sure if I can post it in both topic ?)
I think this is the place to put this. All TGM1 Modes stacked for an S4 at level 272 with a time of 2:16:38.