Tetris The Grand Master 20G Mode Gm 09:58:65 The mode I've been playing most regularly during my absence. A little faster should be possible, but I'm more than happy with this performance.
New personal best by 777 at the end of last year. He slightly improved his personal best to 08:33:25. No video unfortunately.
I need to start playing seriously like I want a new record...I've had some nearly sub-10min runs in normal mode. I CAN do better.
Not a record, just practicing section times. Finally got sub 1:00 for 000-100 (also, skill stop with L at 7:3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFLVrFZBlIQ#t=444
Gm, 999 @ 9:42:05 Could easily be two to five seconds better, but I will take this for now. Score = 195919