That's what I suggested as well. F11 is too inconvenient if you're lazy like me and don't like to lift fingers that far inbetween games.
I was not aware of this key shortcut. the Function buttons aren't really ones I tend to mash when I'm trying to somehow speed up the game.
I've tried recording a video, and I'm impressed. I was using uncompressed recording, and though it slowed the game down while recording, the final video was unaffected and was at the correct speed. However, Creative Mediasource failed to play it, as did VideoLan (VLC). I didn't try others, because usually if VLC can't play it, nothing can. VirtualDub managed to, but took a while to load it because it was "repairing missing index block". It's now been converted with no trouble and is uploading to YouTube as I write this, but you might want to look into a slight problem with the recording feature. Or maybe it is just a problem for me. I do not know.
Is there no torikan in Texmaster? Because i broke 500 in Special-TI and my tiem was over 8 minutes, and it didn't stop.
Report noted the addition of Shirase torikans in beta2 patch1, but I'm fairly certain that the Master torikan is not in place.
That would explain it. I think I manages to pass the torikan later, though. I went into 20g at level 400. Sometimes i manage to skip the slowdown at level 200 too. Oddly enough i still often get 2 or 3 in a row, but it almsot never seems to be of a Z or S or a O. usually it's an I. I haven't seen a forbidden piece at game sart for a while, so i think that part is fixed. Only one torikan is in TI-master. Reaching level 500 within 7 minutes.
Remember that when the lock delay indicator turns blue, your grade goes up and the speed curve skips a section. So if you get the blue indicator in section 0, then section 1 will have section 2's speed. If you get it in section 1, then section 2 will have section 4's speed. If you get it in section 2, then section 3 will have section 6's speed. The minimum requirements to get 20G at level 300 are two section COOLs (or "blue indicators"). Though the speed might skip a section, the section still has the same COOL time requirement, so depending on how well you handle high speeds, each subsequent section COOL gets exponentially easier to get. I imagine the torikan stays at level 500 no matter how early you enter 20G as well.
sorry. fix SUDDEN Ti 1200 start.( A big block sometimes falls.) Texmaster2009 beta2 patch3 "GAMEOVER" display skip. A or B or C button keeps on pushing. SPECIAL Ti torikan ( Level 500 within 7:00 ) [F8 key] section cool display shadow staff roll ( start 0 level. section cool x9 and grade m7-m9 ) SUDDEN Ti [F8 key] display 1000-1300 Thank you for the mirror of the files.
It's my pleasure.
A torikan shouldn't give a credit roll. instead it should immediately end and give some message saying something to the effect of. "Well done. But you are not yet ready." And then give you your grade, followed by "GAME OVER" and there the "TERMINATION!" quote, This actually matters for TI because your credit roll performance adds to your grade and you do not get that chance unless you break the torikan and clear 999. AN actual clear should get you "domination" instead.
Thanks again report! Perhaps you should change "Press any key" to read "Press any game key" a new player might be needlessly confused, and delete the game because it is 'broken' (stolen from caithness)