
Thread in 'Discussion' started by Report, 29 Jan 2008.


    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I hope you don't mind me asking but will you add this feature back in the feature, Report?
  2. I didn't notice any changes with respect to the backgrounds. They didn't animate before...?

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Previous versions allowed for custom backgrounds and the ability to animate them by designating multiple jpegs sequentially (up to 50).
  4. Malkovitch

    Malkovitch Unregistered

    How does one change the background?
    Im guessing its inside the .dat but i dont know how to open.. winrar wont.

    Also thanks for such an awesome game [​IMG]
  5. One reads the data.html file in /data/ .. [​IMG]

  6. just a heads-up, since i too was recently changing bg:

    make sure file is named with ## not just #.
    example: should be 'bg_00.bmp', not 'bg_0.bmp' as the data.html says.
  7. Problem with BGM Special Loop: I noticed that the same BGM clips and "special loop" setting I used in the previous texmaster version (Texmaster 2009) now act a little differently with Texmaster 2009 Patch 1. It seems that multiplying seconds * 35275 no longer loops at the expected part of the music. does anyone have a solution for this looping problem?
  8. Muf


    I think it depends on the sample rate of your wave file. Personally, to determine loop points I used Cool Edit and set the timestamp counter to samples. Doing it that way is more precise as well.
  9. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Bug report: Doubles mode doesn't complete properly. I reached 300,300 with a co-worker and nothing happens. Our levels are stuck at 300, we play in 20G (that doesn't last long), the clock keeps running, no credit roll, nothing.
  10. OK, I see that I can do this with Audacity, which is what I do. The part I want to loop at is 620243 samples. Is that the number I put in bgm_special_loop.txt next to the associated wav filename?

    EDIT: Yes, apparently that number works! It loops perfectly using the samples number.
  11. kapat

    kapat Unregistered

    you hsould throw in a readme of install notes. that way looking through 328942374892 posts and piecing it together won't be as hard
  12. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    I have texmaster running on OS X, but the pieces always slide left. the movement keys seem to not work, rotations work.

    any ideas?

    i commented out all of the joystick lines to see if it would help, no luck
  13. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    maybe im an ID10T, but how do you run this on Linux? What file do you execute?
  14. m:)

    m:) Unregistered

    I found the binary, I changed .tar.gz to .tar and the file extracted on my mac.

    *edit, I do have this running under wine on a fedora box now. I still can't execute the bin_knoppix511_32bit file, I get a bin_knoppin511_32bit.dat is not found message.

    *edit, I renamed the file to Texmaster2009 and it runs on my fedora box, now to get it going on openSuSE

    *edit, I made a fedora 9 vm, and Texmaster runs on that. Looks like it doesn't like openSuSE 11
  15. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I don't understand the loop feature..how does it work.
    Could you explain me ??
    With a complete explanation for a nOOb please..Not an usual and fast explanation of informatician..
  16. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    You need a working 32 bit support environment if you're using a 64 bit OS. Kernel support exists, but if you don't have a file named /lib/ld-linux.so.2 then you didn't set it up right.
    You need the SDL library. In 32 bits. This often causes trouble.
    Yes, the "tarball" is in fact a gzip'd execuable and not actually tar'd. Set it mode +x and name it Texmaster2009 and run it.

    Alternatively, this is one of many reasons I've asked if the source code can be released.
  17. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Clone-accuracy bug: in Ti Special if you make a COOL! but don't make it to the next section, you get your grade bonus anyways.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Weird bug I ran into when I was playing around with invisible training: playing Sudden 999 with "VOID" saves the replay incorrectly with delayed invisibility. The replay list screen still gives the correct grade but when watching the replay, the pieces are not instantly invisible and the line clears are graded with delayed invisibility settings.
  19. Yeah, I ran into this one too, but I forgot to report it. I think it happens for both Sudden and Sudden Ti Void. It was working for both in the previous version, as far as I know -- it was definitely working for Sudden, at least.

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