Records: [Texmaster] Special and Sudden Ti

Thread in 'Competition' started by aperturegrillz, 27 Feb 2008.

  1. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  2. Attached Files:

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  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    Lately I have been too pretencious in saying that I was able to manlock at 500-1000 with 3 tetrises per sections at least..I said that after you know..This kind of session where you just think that you can domine the world, you play your best level, breaking 100% of the time lv 1000, but you actually NEVER do a record this day..>:(
    Instead you do a record after almost the worst game of the week.:|

    So I wont upload this one. I prefer show something slightly under but more solide.
  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I am happy that I placed this move I love with the J in an aesthetic configuration. (lv.633)

    Since I have seen the last videos of Kan, I am working on these beautifull little L/J kicks he has the secret..;)
  6. I can't believe it... I just can`t believe it...
    I'm a damn MasterO Class Player!!!!!

    Yesterday: I played 3 times, all of them I finished the game entering to the Invisible Roll, 3 times in a row, and I got M8, M9, M9.
    Today: first play, Invisible Roll, I get M.
    Second play, Invisible Roll, I survive and I get MO.

    Mode: Special Ti
    Grade: MasterO (Invisible Roll)
    Level: 999
    Time: 05:56:53
    Date: 10/08/11
    Medals: Silver ST, Gold SK (at 999), Silver RE and Silver CO.
    Points: 231947

    Keep Stacking!!!

    Last edited: 8 Oct 2011
  7. Everything leads now to GM Nahuel, eh ?
  8. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    You are just a bastard..
  9. Hooray, hooray!!!!!O_O
    First time I break the torikan!!!!! I can't express my feelings. My time in 500 says everything. Video when I reach 1000. ;)

    Attached Files:

    • 224.JPG
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      83.7 KB
  10. CONGRATS! Breaking the Shirase 500 torikan feels so good!
  11. Congrats Nahuel and Biltstar on these exciting advances! :D
  12. Ai


    Amazing nahu and billtsar! It looks like we can expect even more wonderful things from you guys. I like how you went all the way to level 747 after breaking the torikan for the first time billtsar. A big congratulations to both of you! ^^
  13. At least I reached 500 finally.

    My keyboard play still isn't good enough to break the torikan, though.
  14. Wow, I am on a roll today!

  15. Thank you all for the nice words!
    Come on kasumi, you are EXTREMELY fast in both games. Your 25:28 in 300-400 is a really good sign for the future! ;)
  16. [​IMG]
  17. Video of the 2:34 run, feedback as always appreciated.
  18. I like your speed at 300, but I feel like you should've played this way since the very beginning instead of aiming for the tetrises (the thing I was debating with people concerning shirase)

    I also think that not using hold can be good for your speed. I just noticed you did the second section just fine barely using hold, and had a section 2 seconds slower right after this, using the hold system a lot.

    But you're doing terrific! Congratz, the torikan should only be a matter of time for you, in my humble opinion.
  19. Yeah, you sound like Amnesia :D (I've read your torikan thread btw)

    Truth is, I don't really "aim for tetrises", it's just my standard way to play. The reason why 300+ is so messy is because locking that speed feels pretty harsh and I leave out "risky" moves.

    I agree with you, I'm faster when I'm not using hold, and I can manage to get to 500 without using hold at all. However, I consider it a big weakness that my hold-skill is so poor. My strategy right now is to have an I in the hold box most of the time as a back-up plan, which I only use to avoid holes or to keep the stack stable. Holding other pieces slows me down (as you noticed) and messes with me sometimes (e. g. next/hold-confusion, IHS + IRS, etc.). In fact, that might be the reason why I mainly tetris, it minimizes my hold usage. I think that'll get better by playing more SpecialTi though.

    Anyways, thanks for the motivation :)

    Keep stacking!

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