Are you recording your videos without compression? Try this: 1) Download and install CCCP. 2) Go to record your replay. 3) Select "ffdshow Video Codec" from the codec drop-down. 4) Hit Configure. 5) Select MPEG-4 or another codec of choice. 6) Adjust bitrate to your choosing. (Try 1600kbps.) 7) Confirm selections, record away.
Muf is one of those people who insist that all codec packs are evil. Now personally, I never use codec packs (I just use ffdshow tryouts, real alt and QT alt), but I wouldn't actively discourage people from going with whatever works for them.
Aside from the issue of codec packs reducing system stability (hello COM Surrogate error), the mentality of recommending an entire codec pack when you just need ffdshow is very broken. A more reasonable option would be to write "1. Install ffdshow. You can download it separately, but it is also a part of the CCCP."
TWF , the best game of DIGITAL is a 1300 in 5:04.
It`s been a long time since the last time I saw the "Post Reply" option available...xD This is my lastest and highest record (until now) at Sudden Ti: Sudden Ti 908 in 04:17:30 Replay:
We both are so close to enter the S10+ class my friend, let`s do our best Good Luck... Regards... Nahu
Hahaha you`re sooooooo right Amnesia, but I don`t know how to fix this problem, I mean, is almost an unconscious attitude, sometimes I use it even when is totally not neccesary... I just don`t know how to fix it... What would you recommend me? Playing more Sudden mode? This problem of mine is that bad? :S Please, asnwer me honestly
I would simply reply with the time I have been spending on TGM and TAP compared with the time I played TI rules. Also, I never got TETRIS DS at home. I am still influenced by the fact that my fastest time are usualy performed when I don't use the HOLD. (or when I forget to use it..) Your position is really not worse than mine, I have the reversed problem, I don't use HOLD as often as I should, my stability use to be lost because I try a complexe stack, instead of just keep flat in HOLDING. Except by playing a ton of DEATH mode, I don't see how to prevent you to use less HOLD. Once again, the objectif for you is not to remove HOLD, not to use it the less possible also, but just use it when it is the best option. I should watch you again before telling this but you can keep HOLDING as often as you do but learn to IHS almost every time, it will make your game more aesthetic. Kevin for me has still an ass hole style but he really improved this default, before I was just thinking that massive HOLD used to make him more endurent, but today I feel him clearly better than me in normal stacking on TI.