Records: [Texmaster] Special and Sudden Ti

Thread in 'Competition' started by aperturegrillz, 27 Feb 2008.

  1. 500 Sudden Ti @ 3:12.xx

    Picture will come when I get home tonight. Yeah! I think my ARS skills are improving bit by bit.
  2. Sudden Ti: lvl 257 @ 02:21:31

    ps: I don't want to sound like a jerk, but it must be said: The leaderboard hasn't been edited for almost 2 months now... [​IMG]
  3. I thought DIGITAL adopted this one? Regardless, it's pretty negligent. I think our new phpbb3 software lets me change ownership of the first post. Any volunteers?

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Hmm, I didn't think cdsboy would disappear for this long (haven't been paying attention to how long it was). I guess if no one takes up the offer, I'll default it to myself later today.
  5. I'll do it if nobody else wants to. Maybe it'll encourage me to try harder.
  6. You're a mod so that's not necessary. Like for example I've "sponsored" all the TGM1 and TAP records without actually claiming the first posts. Sometimes Amnesia or whoever gets to it before I do, sometimes I get to it before him. There's better maintenance all around.
  7. [​IMG]

    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! more Tetris...this game will kill me...

    Sudden Ti 500 @ 3:12.23

    I can feel the power of ARS now.
  8. Sudden Ti:
    lvl 269 @ 02:13:50
  9. skywavek

    skywavek Unregistered

  10. In shame, embarrassment, anger, depression, and suicidal thoughts...


    What has happened here...what has happened...I am losing it completely...high speeds are no longer unthinkable.
  11. kapat

    kapat Unregistered

    YES!!!! FINALLYS!!!! better rank, but lower level ....that's an all around increase, right?

    i pretty much get a cool or 2 everytime in the first 5 levels.... should i stop that? or will it not realy matter till 600's?

    s5, master mode. CHECK IT:
  12. Jan


    Sudden Ti, level 404 in 02:47:23
  13. It appears I still haven't ever posted here. Here's where I sit right now:
  14. kapat

    kapat Unregistered

  15. It's 2:22am, and yet....

    Special Ti - M8 - 999 - 06:45:96

    I'll dedicate this to Deniax and Lardarse, because it was playing the new Bokkendoos mode that caused me to actually initially play tetris this evening, and realise I was playing pretty well.

    Unfortunately though, I didn't do it with a joystick.

    Video to come.
  16. Slight improvment in Special Ti:
  17. I've finally broke lvl 300 @ Sudden Ti...
    lvl 336 @ 02:39:45

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