Records: [Texmaster] Special and Sudden Ti

Thread in 'Competition' started by aperturegrillz, 27 Feb 2008.

  1. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    HA ha ha ha..2nd attempt only with.. [​IMG]

    thank you Rosti and Sy..

  2. I don't understand. No hold? Why am I being thanked?
  3. ei



    *epic facepalm*

    image snipped for now

    I have no words. -_-


    EDIT: snipped picture for now.

    It was 500 at 2:28.26 on TI sudden.
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    No..Really ??
    So close to break the torikan ??!!!
  5. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered


    My second time hitting it... but the first time my sav corrupted and i didn't get a screenshot. This time is much better though.

    Second time in a very short span of time!! and a slightly better time. (read: a second [​IMG])
  6. Special Ti, M6 @ 6:49:93 - Level 999, Green line (died 59.86 seconds into the credit roll [​IMG] )
  7. skywavek

    skywavek Unregistered

    Special-Ti - S7 - 711 - 5:45:88
  8. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Hi !
    nice to meet you !
    We don't often see player from south korea..
  9. toastyohs

    toastyohs Unregistered

    Special Ti - S3 - 520 - 5:22:46
    Sudden Ti - 249 - 1:56:88

    edit: new score for special Ti
  10. jm2003

    jm2003 Unregistered

    Sudden ti: 333@2:25.25
    Too for me.
  11. I finally...finally...finally made the 500-600 section COOL.

    This game is too hard.


    I can sense my high speed skills improving...maybe one day the 600-700 section won't seem so insurmountable.
  12. Sudden Ti: 599 @ 2:54:93
  13. ei


    I did it!! I did it!


    EIHoppe --------- 507  2:24:55
    I had to stop locking ~360 to prevent topping out, but I went fast enough that it didn't matter! Yaaaahaaaaaa!

    Also I can die happy. =P

  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Holy shit !! [​IMG]

    It is about time to leave from SRS and come back on ARS.. [​IMG]
  15. Jesus EIHoppe, you've got some serious speed in the first 3 sections. Usually my times are around 29 seconds at best.

    I've had a few runs where I could have been around the 2:20 mark at 500, but they were all with crazy manual locking past 300, which in the end would be too much and prevent me from surviving to 500 anyway.
  16. ei


    The problem is I'm extremely inconsistent at very high speeds yet.

    On a good day/run, I usually average about 29 seconds for the first section or two, possibly 28 for sections 2 or 3, and then 300-500 is kinda a crapshoot.

    On a bad day, I end up with section times in the 30s (32-35).

    In other words, if I'm not in a groove, I can't do shit.

    Fortunately, this time around I was in the groove. =)

  17. Not a new record, but:

    -100 - 00:31:71 - 00:31:71
    -200 - 00:29:31 - 01:01:03
    -300 - 00:27:11 - 01:28:15
    -400 - 00:29:00 - 01:57:15
    -500 - 00:24:08 - 02:21:23

    Died 562 at 2:39:80

    Definitely getting faster [​IMG]
  18. TI sudden---- 332---- 01:53:95
  19. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

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