Records: [Texmaster] Special and Sudden Ti

Thread in 'Competition' started by aperturegrillz, 27 Feb 2008.

  1. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    LAWLAWL when? The shadow made it look like I was naked, BUT I WASN'T. [​IMG]
  2. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Ghetto when you start respecting my thread i'll put your scores back up.
  3. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    I'm trying to respect your thread. But when I'm bashed/insulted, I bash/insult back.
  4. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Yet you believe virus. Granted, he posted a video, but that doesn't rule out TASing. For instance, in Lockjaw, one could edit the following line of ljpc.c
     install_int_ex(incCurTime, BPM_TO_TIMER(3600));
    and recompile.

    I went from about 50 TPM to 100 TPM for 40 lines over the course of developing early versions of Lockjaw, and I still suck.

    Specifically, I improved this much in a month:
    ^ June 25, 2006

    ^ July 23, 2006

    It would take me until 0.18 to break the 60 second barrier:
    ^ September 16, 2006

    TGM sections are about 30 lines long. Shaving six seconds off a section is like shaving eight seconds off a 40 lines run.

    how do i bought camera
  5. ei


    Did I ever say I believed virus? In fact, that's the first I've seen of that thread.

    Regardless, tepples, I can see your point and I'll lay off. I'm done. I have no need to make myself look like a troll any more than I already have.

    However, Ghetto, don't think you have my trust. I still maintain my suspicions about your scores.

    That's all she wrote on that.

    In other slightly more positive news, I've had a bunch more S8s in TI special, so expect improvements soon!

  6. [​IMG]

    Where's Jago?


  7. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    O_O OH MY GOD oH MY GOD 0_o o_0
  8. K


  9. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Pff..I give up kotetsu..I have no time anymore to practice hard, I feel my global motivation decreasing, and I think I am approaching my limit, so I only can improve a little little bit, but not enough to stay in the competition..

    Sorry, and thank you for calling me when you do a so great performance...That means you still consider me like a good and important player in your mind, even if I am not any more..

    *motivation decreasing : just enough to perform a world record on DOUBLE with c_t and then I stop..Definitely..
  10. cdsboy

    cdsboy Unregistered

    Your selling yourself way short.
  11. K


    p'tain tu va arreter de chialer tout le temps ouais !!! [​IMG]
    nan mais il est pas possible ce mec ! [​IMG]
  12. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Mais je ne chiale pas !!

    I am just saying that I won't play anymore in order to beat everybody, I will just play for the fun and pleasure..Just for me, that will change.. [​IMG]
  13. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    competition can be fun, but you cannot take it too seriously.

    Tetris, despite what this site woudl have you believe, is NOT Serious Business. [​IMG]

    I can't see myself ever begoming GM in TI. It's just too fast for me to even comprehend beating. But I still try. [​IMG]

    Tetris is not a sport where you can simply try harder and progress better. Everyone advances at their own pace, and, short of shifting your focus to the right thing, there's very little you can do to accelerate the process.

  14. You never know where you'll end up if you continue to play for the next 20 years or so.

    Of course, by then the likes of Jin8, Kan and Dis will be on modes that make Shirase look like kids Tetris [​IMG]
  15. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    Nah, by then Jin8 will be playign Hatris: The Grand Master. [​IMG]
  16. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0


    About 7 seconds separate me from owning this thing.
  17. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Kotetsu ---------- M8   999  06:24:10 
    Edo -------------- M5   903  05:50:31 
    Jago ------------- M2   999  07:12:38 
    Amnesia ---------- M2   999  07:24:90 
    Rosti LFC -------- M1   895  05:39:90 
    jago did m8 @ 7:05:15.. [​IMG]

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