TETRISCONCEPT : Great Tournament !

Thread in 'Discussion' started by Amnesia, 3 Aug 2008.

  1. Muf


    I think that's what is generally referred to as Worldreverse.
  2. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    WIki seems to say that the I and T floorkicks DO cause a lock delay reset when they happen. it's easy enough to test that theory, though. simply rotate when the i is almost darkened, and see if it lights up again.

    I think most of SRS's speed advantage comes from it's traditional lack of ARE compared to ARS. That is why at low g, when doing a SRS vs ARS, the ARS player usually gets destroyed before they can even blink. the speed advantage of hard dropping with no ARE is tremendous.
  3. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    I realize the floor-kick behavior is actually different in the real TGM3, but unfortunately, it doesn't have versus netplay [​IMG] . I was talking about floor-kicks in the context of this tournament on hebo, where the lock delay is reset as soon as the kick occurs.

    Yeah, I did, if you can actually call it "design". In my previous post I mentioned my theory of the reasoning behind SRS's basic rotation, and why I personally think it's flawed for 20G play. All I did was remove this "flaw". So for ZRS, I took the SRS plugin and shifted the "floating" rotation states down whilst leaving everything else largely unaltered; for HRS, I took the ARS plugin and gave it the same basic rotation as the new ZRS, again leaving the rest unchanged.

    As you might have realized from reading the above, HRS should share the same once only floor-kicks as ARS for the I and T; you can switch these off with the "EXT-ROTATE" option. For the other pieces, some of the moves that would have previously required a floor-kick in SRS, are now simply part of the basic rotation, so L, J, S, Z, T, can all be rotated freely on a flat surface without the need for any kicks.
  4. Ah, that makes perfect sense!

    Zaphod, as far as I can tell the wiki does not, and has not recently, claimed that floor kicks reset lock delay.
  5. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

  6. Thanks, I've fixed it.

    For the curious, the edit was done by anonymous IP I know the wiki motto is to edit boldly, but personally I prefer no information to misinformation...
  7. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    i tried both systems and HRS seems a little more sensible. it's good to have those J,L,T twists that don't require the 2 block high wall opposite the overhang like with SRS, and it's also nice that it doesn't matter whether the piece is first rotated CW or CCW before entry into the hole. i did notice a little problem with the S though (and i assume Z behaves the same):

    http://zeta.hypersector.com/Tools/Tetri ... 0oo2AoIyrD

    this "problem" might just be a difference of opinion as to what should happen, but i feel like it violates the anti-climbing rule a lot of people associate with 20G. actually "climbing" might be inaccurate...to me it looks like it skips that step and goes straight through the wall. while that behavior is debatable, i think the piece should definitely be able to rotate once it's perched vertically on the wall, so i just gave a suggestion as to what should happen there, which people may or may not agree with.

    anyway i think HRS and ZRS have good potential and i appreciate the download links. i'll keep practicing and maybe it'll feel natural the way SRS does for me now. at least step reset will work the same with ARS, HRS, and ZRS, so that will provide a nice balance for the tournament.

    ZRS was mostly ok, but didn't handle these situations as well as HRS:

    http://zeta.hypersector.com/Tools/Tetri ... 3q?DAo7zBA
  8. For your first example, I think it should work that way. Rotation fails, so kick to the right. If you want it to the left, rotate CCW.
  9. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    the kick seems a little too powerful to me. with 75% of the piece hanging off the left side of the wall, it feels like a situation where any rotation should cause it to fall off that side of the wall.
  10. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    It seems that we are in a big trouble..
    I really apologize about the fact that I abandonned things here a bit, and I tried to follow what happened on the separate thread, about the SRS limitation, entry reset, step reset, etc..

    The situation is complicated :
    first people voted to mix ARS and SRS, the separation between the 2 systems would have avoided these complications..
    Today, the majority of the players vote to set SRS with step reset..I really worry about this recent and violent discussion between colour_thief and DIGITAL..
    We are separated in 2 general opinions :
    Colour_thief, me, edo,...

    against :

    DIGITAL, caffeine, jujube...

    So I ask it for the 3 last players that I mentioned : do you accept the result of the pool ??
    Or do you prefer a new pool ??
    I took the decision to manage this project of contest, but I prefer honnestly tell you that I am not an expert on every technical questions, and if some of you guys, you think that you can solve this problem more easily, with a better poll (because I insist, I want a democratic contest), so do it, I would agree and accept it if you propose some better propositions, when I created this poll I was not aware about this story of entry delay..

    Another main problem :

    I am still waiting for the intervention of an expert which could fix this problem of garbage.. [​IMG]
    LOst ? muf ? Kitaru ? DHE ? and lot of other I forget..

    I think that is all..For the rest, I can manage, I will soon stop the subscriptions when I will have a good number of attendies..For each contest..
    I will send soon a PM to the players, and for the few missing : jono, maserati, DIGITAL, taratang and jago..
  11. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    i'll compete in contest 1 with SRS, maybe contest 2 with HRS, and probably won't play contest 3. HRS is designed to correctly handle step reset, while SRS isn't. unfortunately i don't have enough time to get comfortable with HRS to the point where i know i won't try any kind of finesse move or twist that only works with SRS.

    about finesse in 20G...i don't think ARS handles this as well as it could. SRS, because of the suspended initial orientations, allows the kick tables to do some of the shifting for you. in a sense, you want basic rotation to fail. the S and Z can shift in the direction of rotation even more than they do in sub-20G. the J and L can "find" the open column when the long side is pointed down. J and L can also kick one space left or right with the long side pointed up. i made some changes in the ZRS initial stances (to be like SRS) and kick tables (to be unlike SRS), and i've played with it enough to know it isn't broken. pieces never kick more than one space left or right; they just do it more often than ARS because basic rotation with this modified ZRS fails more often. they also aren't kicking up more than one space, so when you need a kick up it looks like basic rotation. the only bad thing is that it breaks ARS step reset, but of course certain elements from SRS would break ARS.

    anyway i'll just keep messing with this modded ZRS, and maybe i'll work on getting heboris to recognize when the piece has reached a lower row, and this could be used to make a lock delay system that mimics ARS step reset. but i'll use HRS in contest 2, so step reset is fine with me.
  12. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    I'm going to be cannon fodder, add me to the list:

  13. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Unless that 4 players enter in the contest N3 in the few next days (Digital, M Bison, maserati, jago ??), I am going to close the registration for this one.
    I need 1 player for the contest N1, and 2 for the contest N2..

    For the 25 other one, coyuld you please send me a PM to confirm your presence for the battles..

    Thank you !
  14. I've been training a lot with ARS lately so please change my setting from SRS to ARS.
  15. Ok I am in.
    I am 100% up for contest 1, 50/50% for contest 2.

    - Jono
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Anybody else for the contest N2 ? I can start the contest soon if I have a last player for contest N2..


    The contest N1 for 0G battles can now begins, that lets a little delay for DIGITAL, jago, maserati, etc..And for completing the registration for
    the contest 2 & 3..

    I would like to know if some of you has found something to fix on hebo mini ? I remember that I had asked to some people on IRC to try a last time..
    Otherwise, maybe we could play on the deniax new game..I will make a pool for that..
  17. I would definitely rather play on hebo mini. I like deniax's game but it doesn't run as well for me as hebo mini does. It also seems slower than hebo mini. By the looks of the 40 lines a lot of people's speed seems much slower, it could be from the lack of play in comparison to Lockjaw, but I feel like it doesn't go as fast. I would rather have faster games on hebo mini with the bug, especially if Bison and other fast players are going to be playing. I also get some lag from deniax's game, probably since my computer is a bit old.
  18. Crosspost from another forum:
    (EDIT: I forgot to mention that this post is about what I suspect is causing the double-count garbage bug.)
  19. Sorry, to lazy to login with my account..
    (Amnesia speaking)

    ARE YOU STILL READY ??????!!!

    Digital, there is one place for you in contest N2..

    Deniax, I am just waiting for you, I think we could start the contest N1 very soon now..
    Could you put a link to help everybody for registering ?
    I will be back soon on IRC to discuss with you about the last details...
  20. Deniax

    Deniax Blockbox developer

    I looked when you had played for the last time and it has been a while. You have to remember the game is constantly being updated, and since your last visit, there were many fixes concerning lag. Currently, the game is playable with a low specced PC , just make sure you close any other applications (browsers, IM, etc). And if it's not, PM me, I will make sure it does [​IMG]

    This will be ready this week. You can make a game with the following settings:

    Rotation System (ARS,SRS,BRS,ALL*)
    This selects the Rotation System that can be used. So if SRS is selected, all players will use SRS. If ALL is selected, the players current set rotation system will be used.

    Gravity (0* - 20)
    You can fill in two digits, ranging from 0 to 20

    ARE (set in frames , default =0)
    You can fill in two digits, ranging from 0 to 99

    Line Clear delay (set in frames, default =0)
    You can fill in two digits, ranging from 0 to 99

    Lock delay (set in frames, default =0)
    You can fill in two digits, ranging from 0 to 99

    DAS 4 everyone (enabled*/disabled)
    If enabled, everyone who joins a game gets an overlay telling the player:
    DAS 4 everyone is enabled, please set your DAS settings (DAS Speed & DAS Delay)

    Also, if its enabled, the following 2 DAS options will be grayed out:

    DAS speed (set in frames
    You can fill in two digits for speed

    DAS delay (set in frames)
    You can fill in three digits for delay

    Lockdown (entry reset / step reset* / move reset / classic)
    entry reset : Every new piece has its own locktime which wont reset
    step reset: Lock delay resets when a piece moves down
    move reset: Lock delay resets when a piece moves
    classic: Direct lock when piece lands

    Floor kicks (0- 99, default = 1
    You can fill in two digits, ranging from 0 to 99 for the number of floor kicks that are permitted

    Hold Piece (on*/off)
    Dropdown menu with on/off option

    IRS (on*/off)
    Dropdown menu with on/off option

    Garbage (BGS, *Tennis, Random, GM, Off)
    Dropdown menu with the garbage options

    T-Spins & B2B (On / Off *)
    Dropdown menu with the options

    Number of preview (0, 1 or 3*)
    Dropdown menu 0, 1 or 3

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