Tetris Videos

Thread in 'Discussion' started by jujube, 28 Mar 2007.

  1. Already done, it seems.
  2. Muf


    Oh god, someone stuff that girl's mouth, my ears are bleeding.
  3. Sadly, no.
  4. Note that section COOL!s are not awarded for each 0-100 section. They're awarded for the time for each 0-70, which is the time on the right hand side. Aside from the base times required for the cool (see the Wiki) each one must be no more than two seconds slower than the previous time, which can actually be a bit awkward and makes a full set of COOL!s a lot harder.
  5. Nevermind, its me getting a section time in the second section about 4 seconds slower then the previous.
  6. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    great videos blink, and awesome song in your girlfriend's vid [​IMG] she's pretty good too.
  7. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    if you like Japan Tetris Finals, one-handed masters, invisible tetris, blindfolded Rubik's cube solves, elephants painting self-portraits, the Indians beating the Yankees 22-0, and dogs playing poker, you'll love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZirUn_k0MPo
  8. Spectre256

    Spectre256 Unregistered

  9. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Impressive. I wonder if it'd be any easier with a modified gamepad that does 20 Hz DAS in hardware, like one of those turbo controllers.
  10. Of course it would be easier. That's the only thing that makes GB/NES Tetris hard.
  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    You are good man !!
    you should insist a bit more to reach 999 and get a M2 - M3, maybe even more..

    Hi spectre ! nice to see that you are still alive ! [​IMG]
    ps : you are crazy..One of the most amazing player in the world..There is only one guy on the earth like you.. [​IMG]
  12. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    Yes, that would make it a lot easier, especialyl considering that moving sidways slows down the rate of falling.
  13. Heh, how does the laser work? I've tried in both heboris versus and TAP but can't do anything except spam random buttons and hope it does something nifty.
  14. Yeah, you've got to mash stuff.

    Left: moves laser left
    Right: moves laser right
    A B C: makes the laser destroy 2 or more columns
  15. gila

    gila Unregistered

    wow thanks, i always wanted to see TI versus mode!! wouldn't mind more of that stuff. [​IMG]

    it sucks that if the player uses hold on the item block, the "item" disappears (same in heboris though). also, does hold work in TI during the time when you have whatever effect on your tetromino (roll-roll, transform, death block, hard block)?

    i play some heboris TI-ARS versus matches with my friend, and say, if you clear 2-3-4 lines that have item block in them, the garbage would be sent AND the item will be activated. anyone knows how to turn it off? because in all TGM games clearing the lines that have item won't generate any garbage.


    oh yeah, amazing quality in the videos, TI looks sooo tasty!! TAP has better music though, imho. too bad the sound in the vids is out of sync.

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