Tetris Videos

Thread in 'Discussion' started by jujube, 28 Mar 2007.

  1. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    Maybe because you are one of the first Western players to attempt Shirase mode?
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  3. hah that was excellent.
  4. philquiet

    philquiet Unregistered

  5. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    Bomblin (a cross between TGM and Bombliss)
  6. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

  7. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    After some failed Doubles runs, colour_thief and I decided to do something silly. It kinda speaks for itself. No records are broken, though you might find it amusing.

    CT on left, DHE on right.
  8. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

  9. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

  10. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  11. Here's a video of me passing the Shirase 500 torikan for the first time.
  12. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    (psst: shhhhhhHHHH!!!!!! [​IMG])

    sorry about the crappy sound. the place limits your download size, and i had to convert wmv->wmv because i didn't have the original.
  13. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

  14. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

    This should be stickied.

    @jujube: Someting's wrong with your sig. To be precise, you got the colors reversed.

    BTW, who's Lawrence?
  15. Zaphod77

    Zaphod77 Resident Misinformer

    Lawrence is the author of Block Star. and he got the colors reversed in his game. SO the sig is accurate to BlockStar
  16. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    i don't quite understand. what should be stickied and why? and do you have a tetris video to share? [​IMG] just curious as to why you chose this thread to post in.

    Jeff Lawrence made Block Star, and those are the colors and initial orientations of those pieces in his game (which was recently added as a mode in Tetris Friends).

    edit: oh, i guess you meant this thread should be stickied, which is why you bumped it. personally i think muf's site is the best place to see videos now. this thread has been good for posting youtube videos, but we all know youtube is not allowing certain videos any more. i'm sure this thread will still be used but i don't necessarily think it should be stickied.

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