"Tetris Party is set to debut in Japan in October 2008 and will cost 1200 Wii Points" http://www.wiiware-world.com/news/2008/ ... se_trailer
yeah, but the North America release is still just "Autumn/Fall 2008" right? So you think we'll get it AFTER Japan? I think Autumn/Fall ends around November, so I don't think we'll get it any later than November 3rd...
I think you're placing too much significance on the word "Autumn". It's 2008 Q4. Probably will have it in the next month or so, seeing as October is what most sites have it down for if they specify a month, but these things aren't really predictable.
well, seeing as how the official site (www.tetrisparty.com) states "Fall 2008" I think that implies that it wouldn't be any later than late November/December (Winter).. so I think the words Autumn/Fall are pretty significant?
It uses the A Button on wii remote for hold function, which seems terrible to me http://www.tetrisparty.jp/about.html#anc_A3
What the hell is it using the B button for then? I would have assumed that would be the most obvious choice for Hold, and it'd follow the DS controls. Hopefully they can be reassigned perhaps?
I too would have expected the B button, if only for consistency with the last four authentic Tetris games on Nintendo platforms (The New Tetris, Tetris Worlds GCN, Tetris Worlds GBA, and Tetris DS). Did the page say anything about a classic controller?
The page says "Item" is mapped to the B button. (Hooray for katakana!) I'm equally dismayed to find that A is Hold... It shouldn't be excessively awful, but I really hope there is a button config as well.
LOL I have NOT even obtained the wii console, not to say the gymnastic board Or you two would like to donate one for me, huh?
i have come across this particularly striking evidence of how fun tetris party can look in video form: (also a hands on) http://www.joystiq.com/2008/10/06/joyst ... y-wiiware/