Tetris on Mac

Thread in 'Discussion' started by HURRRRR, 4 Jul 2008.


    HURRRRR Unregistered

    I altered some of the settings in the heboris.ini and it seems to have solved the lag problem. [​IMG]

    It's still crashing though, because of the MIDI playback problem that you mentioned. [​IMG] From where can I download ElHoppe's MP3 soundpack? I can't find any information on it from searching.

    Thanks for the help.

    EDIT: Nevermind, I worked out how to disable the background music myself.

    Everything's working fine now. [​IMG]

    Although I cannot for the life of me work out what the 'hold' button is? [​IMG] I've gathered that Q is leave game, W is pause, Z X C are rotation keys and the direction keys control movement. But what is hold? [​IMG]

    HURRRRR Unregistered

    Anyone know what key is 'hold'? [​IMG]
  3. Hold is set to 2 by default, but if I were you I'd change it to Spacebar in the input settings.

    As for the soundpack, it seems like all sorts of threads have gone missing from the forum. How odd.

    HURRRRR Unregistered

    Where are the input settings?

    If you mean the settings>input in the actual game, I can't see anything to do with key configuration?

    I've found a file called 'keyconf.def' but I can't open it. [​IMG]
  5. When you go to the Settings menu from the title screen, you have to press up, then left, then down. Then you'll be able to configure the keyboard input for Player one.

    I just tried to change my Heboris input settings to my new preferred control style, with hold on semicolon, but it seems that the game has semicolon hardcoded to pause as well as W.
  6. ei


    I'm working on a new version of my soundpack mostly for Texmaster, but I could include instructions as to how to get it working with Heboris if there's demand.

    I make no guarantees it'll be done in any reasonable timeframe, though. My muse is pretty fickle and does as it damn well pleases. =P

  7. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

  8. Muf


    Not all Unix variants ship with Emacs by default.

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