Tetris Evolution - impressions

Thread in 'Discussion' started by colour_thief, 24 Mar 2007.

  1. I just looked at Cyberscore. Nicely done!
  2. che_lives

    che_lives Unregistered

    now, i want to play this game... im going to make my friend buy it!
  3. Big Grizzle

    Big Grizzle Unregistered

    Fellow Tetris addicts...

    I tried this at my friends house the other day and just had to buy it. In fact it is sitting on my desk next to a Madcatz control pad. As another poster previously mentioned the 360 D-Pad is awful.

    I only ever really played Tetris on the Gameboy(albeit a lot). So these T-Spins are all new to me. However I have been reviewing the various setups and I am actually excited as I have something new to learn to do on this game.

    For those of you on live my username is the same as my Gamertag. Look forward to playing some of you sometime.
  4. Big Grizzle

    Big Grizzle Unregistered

    ...okay after a marathon session of this game last night. I stopped at about 6:00 AM GMT and I started playing at about 20:45 PM GMT the night before. I have to give this two thumbs up. It is really really good.

    I got my butt handed to me a few times by a few of the people at the top of the leaderboard. They are really fast. I did manage to give a good account of myself for the most part though.

    On a side note. The Tetris players on 360 are possibly the friendliest bunch on the whole of X-Box Live. Makes a refreshing change from the rank booters in games like GRAW 2!

    Man I love Tetris.
  5. Cubicz

    Cubicz Unregistered

    That's good news. I can't believe games like Settlers of Catan attract such retards.

    ME TRADE SHAEP FOR LUMBA!?!?!?!?!!?1?!?!? NO? WELL FUCK YOU *disconnects*
  6. Cubicz: You need to understand the whole "Euro board games" culture before you will be able to appreciate that game...
  7. Cubicz

    Cubicz Unregistered

    Sorry, I should have explained. I only play Catan on a board, I don't own a 360. I did play it on a 360 once and was unimpressed, and I'm pretty sure I wasn't playing with europeans. I don't really understand 'Euro board games culture' but I enjoy some of them when i play, which isn't very often.
  8. Yes, playing board games which have a heavy "trading" aspect online doesn't really work very well.

    And I just don't like that game. I think there are better board games that have come out of that region since then...
  9. I just got a Xbox 360 + Tetris evolution last weekend. I played "LIVE" for about an hour or so at my brothers, but still have not established a connection at my own house.

    Its not too bad..........

    - Jono
  10. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    I just picked up a 360 in preparation for Halo3 (I'd hate to have to buy both at once), but was kind of swung at the existence of a Tetris game that didn't appear to suck available for it. You guys have had a couple of month headstart, but, should I bother, or stick with TDS?
  11. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I've updated the lead of the Imperial article to make it clearer.
  12. Seeing how this page keeps getting bumped, I guess I'll post a little personal update.

    A while ago I kind of stopped playing Tetris Evolution because no one really played and I found a couple of exploitable bugs which could break ranked mode. Well, in anticipation for Tetris Splash (coupled with my girlfriends recent departure to out-of-state university), I booted up the old 360 again and 1. discovered they patched up the game, and 2. figured out how to open my NAT, which led me to discover that 3. more people play the game than I thought! That's great news since I think ranked mode is very well done and very accurately reflects a player's skill.

    So, I've been polishing up my slow-DAS finesse (newly refined) by training with the very helpful LJ (360 controllers work nicely with the PC). There's some nice competition out there. You wouldn't think it, but a microphone really adds a lot to Tetris. It makes casual games much more entertaining (that's casual games as in "not competitive games of Tetris"-- not meaning Tetris is a casual game). Anyway, I'm having fun with it.

    BTW, didn't you say you picked this up? Friend me at caffeineTC.
  13. Big Grizzle

    Big Grizzle Unregistered

    This game has faults, but overall I am in love with it. Online ranked games are great fun. When there are challenging players online. Nice game the other day Caffeine. I flopped that t-spin at the end.....gutted [​IMG]

    I disagree with you on the ranking system though. The number one ranked player is TetRus. Which is an alternate gamertag of a player by the name of Russko. Who is usually ranked somewhere between 50 and 25. Russko is a very good player(not to mention a stand up dude), but we are pretty evenly matched. I have beaten him the majority of times we have locked horns in ranked games recently. Yet his other tag is No #1 overall. Just doesn't seem right to me.
  14. Got an Xbox Live connection at my house now.

    I should be busy for awhile now [​IMG]

    Tetris evoultion user name:

    Physco M Bison

    See you guys there [​IMG]

    - Jono
  15. PacoDG

    PacoDG Unregistered

    Ah, here is about when I started posting. It sucks, once I got all the achievements for the Tetris Evolution game, I haven't picked it up again. The online play was good, it is just the Xbox 360 controller d-pad just no longer does it for me, I need a better d-pad.

  16. I keep hearing people comment about how bad the Xbox 360 dpads are (Which is 100% true, what where they thinking???).

    Why not buy a cheaper/better controller?


    I got a Joytech wired controller when I brought my Xbox 360.

    - Jono
  17. PacoDG

    PacoDG Unregistered

    I was looking into a Mad Catz one, but just never committed. Finally started playing other titles. I look forward to the Tetris that is going to come on the Xbox Live Arcade.

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