COrrections. Phantom mode actually not only makes the Os invisible, but the following piece as well. Tetris Battle Gaiden introduced a sort of cascade among tetris games (rensa mode). But it worked a bit differently. all individual blocks not supported by orbs fell after every line clear. The next tetris implemented sticky cascade, and predated quadra. So quadra did not invent cascade.
i'm pretty sure only the O's are invisible. i have a video if you want to see: conveniently there's a zangi move near the beginning, to show fast drop is non-locking.
Hmm.. yea,h i guess i've just been fooled, and the pieces haven't been landing where i thought they were. it's really annoying, though. recently been playing Super Tetris 3. This game is from 1994, and appears to have srs without wallkicks. also a rather strange set of colors.
try playing with Draw Next Off + Phantom. getting two O's in a row can really mess you up, and level 9 is extremely hard because you don't know you have an O until it's been active for a little while, so you might as well let them fall in the center and try to stack around them.
Game Informer interviewed Mr. Pajitnov for issue 195 (July 2009). And then he went on to describe the use of [] characters for blocks. But he did mention "clone" in the Tetris heritage. Incidentally, PDP-11 was the second machine to run Unix (after the PDP-7), and the Tetris Friends and Tetris Zone web sites run a clone of Unix. About the longevity of Tetris, he had this to say: There are plenty of things that one could read into this with a bit of effort. For example, garbage drilling modes in some Tetris games involve destruction, and one could stretch this statement to look like a condemnation of garbage drilling modes. That would explain why The Next Tetris wasn't really the next Tetris, and the garbage in Tetris Friends is closer to the falling ceiling of Tetris 2 and Wario's Woods than in Tetris for Game Boy and Tetris DS. "Match 3" games such as Puzzle League and Bejeweled also involve drilling through garbage, and this might be part of why he and Mr. Rogers think calling Puzzle League "Tetris Attack" was a mistake.
Just discovered this: It appears Tetris was invented exactly 40 years after the invasion of German-occupied Normandy. Commemorating T-Day instead of D-Day made at least one person switch to Yahoo!.
I actually don't think Google generally commemorates negative or sad events. For instance: they won't commemorate a deceased person's death, but they will commemorate the person's birthday. That said, I don't recall seeing specialised Google logos related to any war, be it WWI, WWII or Vietnam. People should really stop throwing sand into their vaginas.
Sometimes I read freerepublic for laughs, one time I searched for tetris there. There were MANY people pissed off because Google honored tetris instead of D-day. They all switched to bing.