I only played heboris once , but i belieave that a few more games and i can avg 130's, 140's BPM. But i wont argue with your Seeing in things , but why would you like the whole blocks coming out , being all planned out ? you and your opponent having the same blocks ? why ?? im just curious....
I believe Jono is referring to the random initial orientation of pieces rather than the actual sequence of pieces. Either that, or he is referring to having a more balanced randomizer rather than a memoryless one.
Choosing One Single True Game? and considering aspects that differ from that game as shortcomings (instead of what they are - differences) considered harmful. For myself included, of course.
i see his complaint. he thinks that each player should get a different block sequence. All players getting the same piece sequence is what makes multiplayer tetris fair. If i lose, i want to lose because the other player played better, not because he got a better block sequence then I did. (one that actaully HAS I pieces in it)
No , it wouldnt be fair ( on my point of view ) , because Your not proving your good by beating me in those unrandom games , you just have good memory, in building that first tetris or the next w/e, but if you can Build a perfect tetis , and perfect downstack while getting random blocks , that you dont know whas coming next and still being able to survive and beat someone vs you , your a worthy player, because you kow how to build without risking your game, etc etc , there are tons of reasons i can mention why -I Think random blocks are better -
are you talking about getting the same piece sequence as your opponent or are you talking about the randomizer itself?
i can't imagine someone who wins with a memoryless randomizer would have trouble winning if they received a more consistent arrangement of pieces. if there's really a big difference in winning percentage it probably has to do with lack of skill in an area that's unimportant in a game like tetrifast, like making back-to-back tetrises for example. that's not to say a player can't adapt to a different system. but if someone's fast it's reasonable to assume they would do just fine in any game. and, well, some tetris DS players win 95% of their games, so it's not like the more agreeable randomizer increases the luck factor. it's still easy to screw things up if you're not as good as the other player.
Well usually we use #akira anyway, so the chat doesn't bother me so much. Some sort of game lobby would be good though. It's damn annoying when people steal your opponents.
i just wanna say that jono played cultris for a long time and sucked really bad despite his speed. Would probably be the same in any other multiplayer game. So stick to lockjaw and stop bragging about ur speed. Dont act like you dont know that if any of us tetrifast players would challenge u at this hebora shit u talkin about all day long like its some new shit when online tetris exists since 1997, we would murder u so bad that you would stop playing tetris. Your minor, were major and you know it.
The tetrisconcept is an animal that has pink fur with yellow spots on its genitals and glutes. Its tail is shaped like a(n) tetris which it uses to dropped tetriminoes. An adult tetrisconcept may weigh more than infinite pounds and stand over infinite feet high. The tetrisconcept can be found only in china and australia. Although its favorite food is tetris, it also likes to eat tetrises. If you ever see a(n) tetrisconcept, be sure not to ever sing lockjaw. That song makes it gay. Instead, give it a few tetris and be on your way.
If you didn't understood what i just said, go back to school. You tfast n00bs. I'll rock you in the face, stab your brain with your nosebone.
i'm a tfast player, and you other tfast players are making me look bad coming here starting trouble for no apparent reason.
If any of you fool dare challenge me in tfast. I go by the name of CorrosiveX. I ain't scared of you apes. I do 7 tetris in 32 seconds. Thats whats up. I am the best tfast player active. I pick the mack up and these niggas back up.
This thread makes me laugh. Hard. Just as a little aside, you may be better recieved around here if you'd deflate your egos a metric ton or two. As a bonus sidenote, arrogant bastards are the general reason I stick to time-attack tetris nowadays...not to mention gameplay that challenges me in a fair way (in other words, if I fail it's my own damn fault, not the randomizers or poor controls random initial orientations or whathaveyou). In essence, you guys may want to just enjoy what you prefer instead of wasting all your time being trolls on otherwise civil forums. =) ~EI P.S. blink, you are exempt from this rant. You're quite civil and are quite a few levels above the rest of the tfast players posting in this thread. P.P.S. With a community like tfast seems to have, it's amazing there's a community left at all.
@oliv: Jono wasn't bad at Cultris. I've played him a few times in Cultris and he was always a stronger player. He easily contended with the rest of the Cultris players. @khami: You should play heboris online games. I haven't had the pleasure of playing a lot of the people here but they look like really strong players. It's a lot more fun than waiting for Cultris 2 to come out. You didn't seem to have much competition in Cultris and I'm not sure how it is in Tfast so you should really think about playing some heboris. just my suggestion
When I went to play virus yesterday in Blocktrix, people can trash talk me all they want (yesterday some people joined a game I was in and saw that I was caffeine and instantly started talking shit about me and tetrisconcept.com--they were calling me "noob" this and "tetrisconcept is for fags" that--and they hadn't even played me, and moreover likely didn't even realize that I use to play tnet all the time back in the day). Trash talk there all you want, but you don't get to come to TC and do that. This place is for people that are actually interested in the game. You guys sound like you're only interested in immaturely bashing and bragging.
Cultris has the crazy-ass combo system, which makes it pretty different. Sure, it's still Tetris, but the way it works isn't actually that similar. Being a complete nub to TetriNET and TFast, I played you not that long ago. If you've been playing since 1997, or even half that time then frankly I'm not that impressed, and I think you talk yourself up way too much. Sure, I wasn't winning many games (if any), but I'm used to different rotations, wasn't taking things all too seriously, and I'd played less-than-casually for about a month at most. I would hardly say I was completely and utterly outclassed, which would be what I would expect to happen giving the differences in experience. Online Tetris has existed since 1997, but GOOD online Tetris has only been around since Hebo netplay. The TetriNET format has more annoying quirks than I could care to count (though customisable DAS is commendable). Cultris has the combo system, which I'm personally not a fan of, though others might be. Quadra has cascade gravity. Maybe at TC we value things differently, but Heboris, especially with it's customisable nature, is the only game that can really test who is better at VS Tetris.