TC Location Roster

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by GFish, 15 Jun 2008.

  1. Lewis

    Lewis Unregistered

    [Name] Lewis

    [Country] UK

    [State] N/A

    [City] Newcastle-upon-Tyne
  2. [Name] PetitPrince

    [Country] Switzerland

    [State] Vaud

    [City] Lausanne

    There was a frappr thread a while ago.
  3. [Name] Kevcel

    [Country] the Netherlands (aka ''Holland'')

    [State] N/A

    [City] Rotterdam
  4. Ai


    [Name] Ai

    [Country] Belgium

    [State] N/A

    [City] Antwerp


    Name        Country    State    City   
    Ai ---------------- Belgium    N/A     Antwerp
  5. Muf


    Name        Country    State      City   
    mufunyo -------------Netherlands  Noord-Brabant  Eindhoven 
    I'm also on the TGM and Tetris frappr groups.
  6. Code:
    Name        Country    State    City  
    caffeine ----------- USA      Louisiana  Hammond 
    A Tetris dev told me he lived in Baton Rouge for a long time, which is very close. Not anymore though. Oh well.
  7. Code:
    Name        Country    State    City  
    Meroigo ----------------Sweden    N/A    Lund
  8. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    Name        Country    State    City  
    tepples ------------ USA      Indiana   Fort Wayne
  9. ei


    Name        Country    State    City   
    EIHoppe ------------ USA      Wisconsin  Milwaukee  
    tepples: Yay midwest?

  10. Muf


    GFish, three things:

    1. You forgot z-flo
    2. Netherlands and Holland are the same thing
    3. The list would make more sense if you sorted it by countries with the most members, descending.
  11. Code:
    Name        Country    State    City   
    Caithness      USA      Maryland  DC Suburbs 
  12. thomasgx1

    thomasgx1 Unregistered

    Tom G - England - London - South London
  13. Sorry Z-Flo, i had you on there 1st but then i did some editing and erased it.

    I changed the Netherlands and Holland thing.

    I haven't had time to organize the list but i had some free time today so i went for it.
  14. Gangsta_fish

    There is a small mistake on my location. Its "Wales" not Waves"

    Ex_Mosquito ---------- United Kindom South Wales Newport

    Thanks [​IMG]
  15. [Name] herc

    [Country] Germany

    [State] NRW & MVP

    [City] Bielefeld & Rostock
  16. Ex_Mosquito: I fixed the problem. Thanks for letting me know.

    Herc: Just wondering. How can you live in 2 places at once?
  17. rostock is my hometown where i have my family and where i use to spend my holidays, and bielefeld is my work/ study place where i burn my time working at the university. just mentioned both places because i feel more at home in rostock , while bielefeld is more my current location.
  18. tepples

    tepples Lockjaw developer

    I thought it was like "Minneapolis and St. Paul" or "Dallas and Fort Worth" or "Buda and Pest" or other similarly conjoined cities.
  19. Phydeaux

    Phydeaux Unregistered

    [Name] Phydeaux

    [Country] USA

    [State] Tennessee

    [City] Cookeville

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