Records: [TAP] TGM+

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 30 Dec 2007.

  1. I feel your pain. You solved the center hole for the second time and then you thought "it's over"? If so... I feel your pain.
  2. That's exactly what happened. It was a done deal, but I misdropped and everything just went to shit after that point. Sad run... I'll try again later and see if I can finally pass this mode, hell I've done it on Texy already
    Qlex likes this.
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Qlex likes this.
  4. 479 @ 05:46.68

    Underrated mode. Lots of fun. A good challenge.
    Last edited: 9 Jul 2016
  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Yes totally. This mode is fundamental. For me these modes develop different skills :

    TGM1 : Mental endurance
    TAP DEATH : Brain speed
    TGM+ & ITEM mode : Stacking tactics and creativity
    TI SHIRASE : Hands speed
  6. Played some more, got over 500 finally, with a good margin. :)

    802 @ 10:07.98
  7. FeV


    I got lucky like 11 times and still almost died. Anyway, it's a 999, so who cares.


    Also yay for resurrecting dead threads.
  8. You've spurred me to improve on my 7 year old record. I'm going to keep trying for sub-11 though.

    Qlex, FeV and mycophobia like this.
  9. FeV


    FreakyByte likes this.
  10. FeV


  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Toi je vais te tuer...
    Qlex and FeV like this.
  12. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    Fuck fuck and fuck you....I let you the 1st place for now...See you later here.

    Last edited: 23 Apr 2017
    Muf likes this.
  13. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    Ok ??? good.
    FeV and Qlex like this.
  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Qlex and mycophobia like this.
  15. K


    illeism ?
  16. FeV


    Forgot to post here.. western record from 2017.09.08 until amnesia's record

    Posting on behalf of @KevinDDR since I got the pic with my phone and forgot about it lol, my record is still 9:34 :)
    Qlex likes this.
  17. Nice activity on TGM+, good new records on Amnesia's and Kevin's :)
  18. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    So Kevin is 9:26 ?
    Damn...I wonder if this was not a good thing that I don't see this before to do 9:18.
  19. Hi! Quick update here: I'm going to be updating the leaderboards tonight/tomorrow and I'm in need of everyone's help here. Can Everyone please verify if your scores are running on PCB, MAME 60Hz or MAME 61.681173Hz? For now every score unverified will be marked with a "???". The reason why I'm doing this is because some players deem 60Hz MAME scores to be 'illegitimate' as they are running slower than the original game (giving you a tiny bit more time to react.) Nowadays the up to date versions of shmupmametgm run the game at the correct speed so I'd ask you to download the version linked in the original post.

    Thanks for the help!
    Last edited: 30 Apr 2019
  20. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    As we had much more input lag with older mame version, it was actually a stronger achievement do to a X performance on the 60Hz version than the same X performance with the last Mame at 61,7 Hz. So I think it is useless to chase and persecute the poor brave players who played on a 60 Hz mame long time ago.

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