Records: [TAP] TGM+

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 30 Dec 2007.

  1. Ai


  2. 682 in 8:55:80
  3. Made it to level 515, didn't record/remember the tine since I know I can do better
  4. Bottom spot now belongs to me.
     14--Budster------------------455 @ 05:53:68
  5. 868 - 9:26:68
  6. [​IMG]

    Passed the OT garbage but it killed me anyway.

    The randomizer absolutely loved me to bits this game.
  7. [​IMG]

    I also got an 80? last night, but forgot to take a screenshot, so I have no idea what the time was.
  8. Wow, this thread has been strangely popular recently. The leaderboard is starting to fill up. :awe:
  9. It's the result of a Skype session where all participants were playing TGM+ simultaneously.
  10. My first level 999 record, gotten just some minutes ago:


    I didn't record this game, unfortunately. I'll probably have my next level 999 game recorded.
  11. Ai



  12. man, this mode is just too hard :'(
  13. Ai


    Most of my games end around level 550. This mode is indeed hard and you need to put in some time for good results. For starters memorize the following garbage pattern that can also be found on the TAP wiki page:


  14. [​IMG]

    It's only a matter of time now.
  15. Eh, at least I broke 500.
  16. entering the leaderboard:


    as you can see, I try to play fast
  17. Well dang, this doesn't even advance me a space on the leaderboard.

  18. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    Ha ha !!!!:twisted::twisted:
    1st try --> recorded !
    Too easy..:sneaky:
  19. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

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