Thread in 'Discussion' started by tepples, 29 Dec 2007.

  1. lol, that's so great! too bad desyncs got ya down. what were the known errors you were talking about?
  2. mat


    very awesome. i don't think i ever realized how fast 300 could be played. can't wait to see the rest.
  3. Lion

    Lion Unregistered

    The playing speed at 300 is amazing [​IMG] that was a good watch, I'm curious too to see the rest [​IMG]
  4. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Considering the decrease in ARE after each section, it's in my best interest to have the stack as low as possible during a speed change or when I just need to hit a level step ASAP (so at 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 999). Of course, there's some non-Tetrises made in section 0-99.
  5. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Death mode turned me off. Don't know why, but I'm liking Master mode more. [​IMG]

    Section times:

    Section Time   Tetrises
     0- 99 45.48  5 + 1 triple
    100-199 43.50  7
    200-299 43.13  7 + 1 triple
    300-399 42.68  7
    400-499 ??.??
    500-599 ??.??
    600-699 ??.??
    700-799 ??.??
    800-899 ??.??
    900-999 ??.??
    Total: 0?:??.??
    A tetris that crosses a section boundary shall be considered part of the earlier section.
    I'll update this table as time goes on. In the meantime, let's play "guess how long section 900-999" will take, as well as guessing how long the whole thing takes.
  6. I'd say the whole thing will be a little over 6 minutes.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Hmm, I'll guess maybe 5.5 minutes total and maybe 16 seconds for 900-999.

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