Challenge: [TAP] Sugoi Kakkoii Medal (or whatever)

Thread in 'Competition' started by K, 27 Oct 2008.

  1. first try (but no locking lol) on death mode


    don't know if it can be done before 300
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    HOLY SHIT !!!! o_O

    I hate you all.
  3. Ai


    Great, especially for a first try!

    You should check this video out. Gold SK at level 294 in 02:03:xx from jago. Oh and he gets m. ^^
  4. damn, so it's possible :oops:
  5. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  6. damn, it's freaking hard to get sub 300

  7. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Putain mais c'est pas possible, je suis vraiment une grosse merde...
    Je fais honte au French stacking..:(
  8. COL


  9. Ai



    I managed to secure Silver SK under level 300 a few times this weekend. I recorded the game, so maybe I'll upload a video later. ^^
  10. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Nice screenshoot.
  11. K


    Ah ah ah ah ah ahaaaaaaa.... :sneaky:
  12. [​IMG]

    stopped playing just after getting the gold SK
  13. Oh lord, I've beaten jago and mfm


    I have counted the tetrises after getting the gold SK: 19 more which makes the total number of tetrises 54
    S9 game, 999 10min05
  14. Ai


    Congrats on a job well done!

    This thread hasn't been updated in a while unfortunately... Try to get under level 500 with level stop abuse and post a video. ^^

    jago can I change the leaderboard format to something simpler?


    I also forgot to mention that the leaderboard is ordered by Gold SK time, which means jago's still first. Still great achievement cyberguile. ^^
    Last edited: 26 Jan 2011
  15. Level 672. Probably 43 tetrises or so, I played for speed after the 700 mark.
  16. 593 @ 5:45:xx. No level stop abuse.
    Game ended at level 784 after the randomizer starved me badly.
  17. COL


    with 20G code ;)
    the rest of the run was crappy:(
  18. Gold SK at level 584 in 5:30:53 (no level stop abuse).
    48 tetrises.
  19. Gold SK at level 562 in 5:08:93 (no level stop) + Gold RO.
    50 tetrises total.
    Last edited: 31 Mar 2024
  20. Oh nice !

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