Thanks! It was actually a second clear (first clear happened long time ago), haha. Perhaps my words are confusing xD
Nothing confusing about what you said, I just forgot about your green line S6. Good luck obtaining S9!
Master mode completed at 7:57. Thank you to Ai who encoded the video.
I still feel a little bit unsatisfied when I watch it, it can be faster.. Anyway, that seemed impossible a few days ago, but now, something very important has changed, I left Paris, my job, I am quietly resting in the big house of my parents in the south, between Bordeaux and the beach, I can sleep as long as I want, I just have to wait that someone call me to start my next job, so I have some resting days in bonus.. Thanks to that, I just play like a monster these days...
Congrats for sub-8, Amnesia. That was very impressive. Thanks, Ai. Aiming for S9 with an orange line!
Done at Fanime on Kitaru's TAP machine. S8 despite ugly HAPP sticks that I wasn't fond of. I could probably do better using my own stick at home if I really tried...but right now all I'm playing is Sudden because I don't have time =(
As Kitaru knows, I don't particularly care about finishing the game...I just want to be faster so I can get faster times when playing doubles. Anyway, I think I'm improving? I think I am~~ Best time for grade 1 so far. Achieved just now.
My best S9: At 999 I was like "YES YES YES" Then the first tetromino didn't disappear and I was like "PUTAAAAAIN" !
I somehow missed updating your time before, but it's now been taken care of. It looks like it won't be too long before you get S1. I'll update the other competition threads later.