Records: [TAP] Master

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 29 Mar 2007.

  1. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    New record for me: M in 7:55:35
  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I was just planning to beat your previous time.
    Now it may be a bit harder..:|
  3. Ai


    Woah nice times Edo. You're almost as fast as K. Do you have a video? And great job confirming your m so fast EIHoppe!
  4. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    Unfortunately not. But I've been hitting about 8:10 quite frequently lately, so I may have a nice video for you some time this month or the next. Also, I'm pretty sure jago has done faster than 7:45, just not with a S9 or higher.
  5. COL


    Why does it displays "2nd"? Who's first?
  6. Muf


    Just guessing, but it could be a TAS or otherwise cheated record. I had a statesaved green line in my TAP records for a while as well - I was playing a potential green line run that was cut short by a fatal misdrop; so I decided to save state before the misdrop and redo the run from that point to prove to myself it was a potential green line. When you do stuff like that you obviously don't post it on the forum, but if you forget to backup NVRAM beforehand you end up with a high score in the table that might be hard or impossible to beat in normal play.
  7. Edo

    Edo a.k.a. FSY

    Actually, that's a bug. I should have been 1st in both "grandmaster ranking" and "today's ranking", but there's some pretty weird behaviour with M ranks, something to do with green lines... maybe colour_thief or jago can explain.

    EDIT: here's colour_thief getting the same bug in his M rank video: it shows up as only 3rd on "today's ranking" and not at all in the "grandmaster ranking".
  8. Whenever I recorded a new m record, it gives me dashes for grandmaster ranking. Just saying.
  9. Not my best ever, but i did get an Orange Line, which made me quite happy.

    Attached Files:

  10. Ai


    I noticed the odd rankings immediately as well. It's a well-known TAP m bug. I remember asking Kitaru about the irrugularities in his rankings when he obtained his first m. You can read more on the bottom of this page and the next one.

    Congrats with the Orange Line SoliDeoGloriaAA. I still have to get an OL in TAP Master. ^^;


    @EIHoppe: I watched the game a few moments ago. Again very good invisible play. You clearly practiced it before. Wouldn't surprise me if you get Gm in the near future. And the already nice time could have been even faster if you didn't struggle with a bad stack a few times near the end.

    Missed this earlier. I forgot that it's jago's fastest M. Thanks for pointing that out and take your time with the video. ^^
    Last edited: 18 Sep 2010
  11. Woo Hoo!!! My new personal best!!! Not a lot better than my current posted score, but hey, its an improvement!

    Attached Files:

  12. ei


    Keep at it, you'll get S9 soon enough probably!

    Also, nice time, Edo! Sub 8 minutes is pretty ridiculous; now you just need a Gm to match!

    Also also, Ai rendered my current record, it's uploaded to Youtube.

    Also also also, for the record, I still hadn't started training the M-roll yet for this second M, so for all intents and purposes the M-roll in this video is pretty much my second actually serious attempt at invisible play.
  13. K


  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Green ?
  15. Ai


    I doubt he would post if it wasn't a new record so I updated the leaderboard. I have his previous entry saved in case I'm wrong. ^^
  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    It can really be just a new green GM, jago never got sub 8:00 Gm before.
  17. K


    isn't that obvious that it's just a green line... like in a stupid commercial i'll put an asterisk next time

    *scientifical studies lead to the conclusion that it might not be green but it is (or not?).
    ** Amnesia is a piece of cake
  18. Damn it! So close!!!!! I'll have my s9 by the weeks end or so!!!

    Attached Files:

  19. [​IMG]
    Keyboard this time. Also, dat silver SK
  20. Your image isn't loading. Again. :(

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