Man, I really thought this one was S8! I nailed S7 towards the beginning of the 900 section, and even got a tetris after that, but alas, it wasn't enough.... Hopefully next time!
try to remember that once you reached S2, you need to clear a lot of lines as fast as possible (even doubles and triples) to get to S4 super quickly. This will help you get higher grade at the end
Well, I think I'm officially on the verge of M... Code: EIHoppe----------------S9 - 999 @ 08:41:65 - 08/24/10 - Orange line; missed tetrises in 400/700 The only requirements I dropped were the tetrises in the 400 and 700 sections. INP EDIT: Video's up:
Getting all the tetrises is a pain. For 500 on, try to remember to do them at the beginning of the section so you don't have to worry about it.
I think I'm even worse at the M-Roll than Amnesia I've never practiced it in my life. I got about 3 lines haha.
hah, I saw this before i posted that: Code: 5--Amnesia-----------------M - 999 @ 08:16:98 - 06/05/10 - [B]M-ROLL --> 4 lines (!)[/B] I suppose that was quite a while back. How close are you to GM now? And thanks Kevin. Sometime man. Sometime. If TI goes to Pink Gorilla, I think that's where I'll spend most of my college days.
Put that down for my best time ever. Gold SK as well. Would've been M if I had a better last section.
Désolé. Je n'avais pas l'intention de vous offenser. Tu est un excellent joueur que je respecte. How's my high-school level french? How would i go about replacing the "vous" in the second sentence to make it a little less formal ("te" just didn't sound right to me)? Or does it even make much sense at all? As for my records, I try not to post any unless they are some sort of landmark for me. I've recently been trying to rush a sub-30 sec. 40 lines, even though I don't think I'm quite ready for it yet. I think I reached 800+ in SuddenTI, I'll have to check my old computer for the save file, if it's still there. My little brother took it as a hand-me-down. As for SpecialTI, I haven't played it enough to even get past S9
Désolé. Je n'avais pas l'intention de t'offenser. Tu est un excellent joueur que je respecte. I am always kidding when I take this kind of frustrated behavior. You don't have to apologize. And I think it is my fault, I think I was a bad man in my old life so I have to live now with a limited brain which has his "m roll" connections disable.