Records: [TAP] M-Roll Invisible Resistance

Thread in 'Competition' started by K, 23 Oct 2007.

  1. Would I have to put on Death 300 to qualify for this high score list?

    Or just Death?

    Cause Ill try either way, even if I suck.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Make it Master 901 and you're set.
  3. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I wish to know what is your current SKill jago, c_t or other...

    Have you improved since ?

    I currently failed at least at 30-32,

    1/5 attempts are around 40,

    and my best attempts are around 42-44...

    Still unable to reach again 50.. [​IMG]
    I feel that the improvement are exponential..

    I am sure to reach 1min before April if I don't stop to practice 30min everydays..
  4. I've practiced a bit, but I don't think I've improved very much. This challenge is very brisk and unforgiving.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    I haven't really practiced much but I gave it a brief go the other day for fun. I had some in the 30s, several in the 40s, and one or two at a little over 50. The session is too inconsistent and indicates how much I suck at it.
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    WHHOOAA !!! [​IMG] I feel it is coming !!

    After only 10 days of intensive training, I've dramaticaly improved !!
  7. K


    I was wondering how peoples where able to do such good time in mame but i remembered that the tool i use to train m-roll resistance is "faster" than the original one... so i tried as you do with cgwg cheat and in 1h30 of continues attemps (100~150 try ?) :


    the last attempt was the one you see on the picture... even if we can think i performed good times (lucky try ?) it's still not good enough compared to the ratio attemps/time result...

    imo the time become good once you are able to break 40sec (my average is 35>40 sec), witch mean you don't throw your pieces onto the field praying for a good time

    Even if we are able to break the famous 1min02 sec, we still have to succeed it in "real condition" witch is a totally another story [​IMG]

    anyway, keep going amnesia [​IMG]
  8. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    Look the end..

    I think it does not matter...I can get the same average time with manual locking, it is more advantageous for the "flash memory", but you disrupt your stack faster..

    jago, your 4 times : tell me it is not a chain !!? That are your 4 best after the 56 ?
  9. I agree with Jago. Yeah, training is good, but to survive the invisibility for 1:02 is really only a fraction of the way there.

    You can do it more than once, but unless you can do it almost every other run I think it's a long way to go.

    Sure, you can do it during an hour of training, but to do it on a real M-Roll, which is not as often, and which will make you nervous and put you under a lot more pressure is a lot harder.

    I've survived 400 speed on Death for nearly 90 seconds (using a keyboard), but for me to hit 500 during a proper run is completely different.
  10. K


    a pretty decent speed performance indeed, but the staff roll might not be what you expected [​IMG]

    of course not [​IMG]
  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake


    My god I am so so stupid..I didn't see it..

    I really thought DIGITAL was able to master the M-roll with manual lock..

    Even in semi invisible, it is still damn fast.. [​IMG]
  12. I was trying this in lockjaw, is there a trick to remembering block placement? maybe a certain way to stack to remeber where everything is?
  13. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0

    Depending on the next sequence, you can use these algorithms to create an even stack.









    S(or Z)TJL on the left side of the field.





    DIGITAL Unregistered

    The key is to not remember where everything is...unless you have a photographic memory. Try to remember the surface. There's a reason players often end up at the top after successfully finishing. When they make a mistake, they stack over it and move on. Other than that, stack as neatly as possible to minimize unexpected moments (line clears that didn't clear, piece that didn't lock and ended up in awkward positions, etc.).
  15. Neatness is quite important with the invisibility. If you're unsure about the surface, and it's flat, then it isn't too bad. If you're unsure and it's got holes in, then pieces are going to get stuck trying to move across it. If you're unsure, it's usually better to just let it go, and stack flatly over it rather than try and fix it.
  16. K


    ct you got the Death Gm, but i will not let you get the master Gm first [​IMG]

    KAN gived me some useful advise (and thanks to needle for translation) about m-roll strategy.

    today's attemps n12

    ps : the distribution was set to stop at 100 pcs, so the simulation automatically aborted, even if there is still room as show on this result screen [​IMG]
  17. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Pas mal jago ! [​IMG]

    pas mal...Ok... [​IMG]
  18. [​IMG]

    Holy shit!

    Please share them! [​IMG]
    My invisibility performance is pathetic. I did not believe it would even be possible to survive over a minute like you have with such little training. You have done very well!!

  19. Give me a chance... I have a full time job and a girlfriend, while you are single, unemployed, and friends with KAN and ZAB. [​IMG]:'(:'(

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Says the person who nabbed TAP GM first. [​IMG]

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