Records: [TAP] Item Modes (Item Code)

Thread in 'Competition' started by Amnesia, 10 May 2008.

  1. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Completion in 10:19.06 (Orange line) with S7. Video unlikely.
  2. K


    from mfm005 :

    new record "for people in depression"

    level 302 - grade 2 - 03:40:11 - TAP item+big
  3. K


    New record for mfm in "people in depression" mode :

    Bon amnesia tu vas te secouer la nouille ouais ? p'tain c'est toi le maniaco-depressif ici... rclame ton titre mec... :D
  4. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Non mais la 429 c'est un truc de malade mentale, jamais je le ferais...
    Je bosse sur autre chose en ce moment..
  5. Ai


    lol! Go for it Amnesia! ^^

    This boggles the mind. Sick stuff mfm! S rank would be insane!!!
  6. Master S4 955 12:33:05
  7. [​IMG]

    I was thinking of cross-posting it to the TGM+ thread as well, but it's not better than my regular TGM+ score (yet).
  8. [​IMG]


    (wanted to reply w/o bumping thread)
    Last edited: 7 Jan 2010
  9. Ai


    Nice progress in the different TAP modes Budster. ^^
  10. Ai


    Ai TAP Master Big Item Mode Level 242 ^^
    Ai TAP Master Big Item Mode GOLD AC at Level 35 ^^

    The following items need to be feared:



    Edo pointed out that mashing the buttons will make the laser beam 2 blocks wide. Budster added that mashing left or right will move the laser cannon in that direction. Just make sure to destroy the right columns... Both these make the item far more manageable in most situations. 180° FIELD, HARD BLOCK and ROLL ROLL are also not easy to deal with at higher speeds.
    Last edited: 24 Jan 2010
  11. Ai



    Gave it another try. Minor improvement... Over level 300 should be possible if I'm a little more lucky with the items. ^^


    Ai TAP Master Big Item Mode Level 253 ^^

    Need to find a way to make my videos not look like crap. ^^;


    ... ^^'
    Last edited: 29 Jan 2010
  12. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Death at level 985 in 10:32.93

    Bronze SK, Gold ST
  13. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm


    Bet you forgot about this mode.

    Nega Field during the credit roll is actually a good thing. Sorta. Lets you know where your mistakes were and makes the whole field visible for the next 5 seconds. Which is kinda nice. S9 not in my immediate future.
  14. Ai


    Actually I played recently and improved a little. I didn't post because I'm sure I can clear the game and get a higher grade. Just need to start playing again. ^^'

  15. Haha, I got Dark Block during the semi-invisible roll.

  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

  17. Ai



    TAP Master Item Mode: clear game with at least S6 ^^
  18. [​IMG]

    Big mode, item mode - lvl 219 in 3:37:33
  19. [​IMG]

    Master mode, item mode.
    Lvl 761! Didn't actually expect to get that high.

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