Damn !! mfm tu fais chier laisse moi la 1ere place !! EDIT : Quizz !! Can you guess the last item I got in the semi m-roll ?
Tu veux faire le beau jago ?? Tiens, moi j'ai au moins la politesse de montrer au gens comment on s'y prend.. http://www.sendspace.com/file/omqkqs PS : the inp has been created with a more recent version of MAME, the one that Rosti uses.. PS2 : I am still in a tetris break, item mode is just for fun..And to not totaly lose my skill..
I continue deeper and deeper in the depression..I still can find a stupid challenge to lose my time.. BIG Item mode ! very very hard..There is at least 4 items which kill the stack..
One round before I went to bed: First I get Laser, which thankfully only blocked off the one row at the bottom, then 180 Field which put that *%)@##)% row at the top, so game over soon after that.
Item + BIG mode (non 20G): Item + Master Shotgun + high stack = game over . I don't think I've played that slowly since first learning 20G, lol.