Records: [TAP] Doubles

Thread in 'Competition' started by Pineapple, 5 Oct 2006.

  1. DDRKirby and I brought sticks to Fanime for some good ol' TGM2 action. During our session, we cleared Doubles!

    Ray and I also made some attempts, but we were unable to get up to our previous 300-299 best. I think we'll probably be giving it a few more shots before the con ends. :)
  2. If ct and I (an M and an s9) could clear it, a GM and an s2 should be able to as well :p
  3. [​IMG]
    Played with Ineluctable Entropy. :]
  4. Stop being sleepy, Kitaru. I want to beat this mode.

    On another note: Kitaru mentioned how I should learn how to use both rotational keys when playing as it will aid me in getting a faster time. Is there any other tips that other players who have beaten this mode can provide for me on this subject? I am hoping to beat this mode with a time under 5:30:00.
  5. DeHackEd

    DeHackEd green Gm

    Line clear delay is effectively zero. Do not be afraid to make singles. Better to keep the playfield spotlessly clean (ha!) than to stack for tetrises.
  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Maybe it is only psycological, but even when line clear delay = 0, I have a real feeling to save time in making a lot of tetrises.
  7. Ah, I see.

    Thanks for the tidbit, DeHackEd. I was originally doing that but when I looked at Kitaru's side, I saw how he was stacking it for Tetrises. He being the better player, I copied him and starting stacking for Tetrises as well (I'm more partial to combo-ing, tbh).

    I spoke with Kitaru on this and apparently, he was doing this in consideration of my slow and unskillful playing. :(

    But now I will combo to my heart's content! :awe:
  8. I was just trying to stack up on my side quickly to catch up in levels and also provide a good amount of material to clear. :)
  9. I don't think we are going any fast, hahaha...:D
  10. Sure we are! :p 4:53 at ~280/~260? I think that's a better pace. Our 299/300 game was 10 levels behind that around that time.
  11. I rather reserve judgment until we hit 299/300 again.
  12. [​IMG]
    Budster---------------- 217 @ 07:58:63 @ 180 ------------Umbravocare
    We'll get there eventually.
  13. Kitaru, post it now! ಠ_ಠ

    Been a few days already...
  14. It wasn't better unfortunately, 5:37:00.

    Also, in addition to me flinging a piece and missing a line clear that would have finished the game, the next piece decided it was going to gravity lock, prevent more pieces from coming out, and cause me to misdrop the next two straight down. >:G
  15. Post the game glitching so horribly we lost 5+ seconds!
  16. I need to record it first. There is something like 15 minutes of decent runs before it that I'd need to fast forward through. I'll do video things later today.
  17. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    My work is fucking annoying..
    So I killed the time in trying a way to mesure people on an individual leaderboard :

    1er	10 pts
    2	7 pts
    3	5 pts
    4	3 pts
    5	2 pts
    6	1 pt
    7	0,9 pt
    8	0,8 pt
    9	0,7 pt
    10	0,6 pt
    11	0,5 pt
    12	0,4 pt
    13	0,3 pt
    14	0,2 pt
    15	0,1 pt
    Rank/points cumul :

    c_t	2_3_5_12_15	     14,5
    Kan 	1	             10
    jago	1	             10
    Amn	3_4_8_10	      9,4
    DHE	2_8_13	              8,1
    Bou	4	              3
    Kitaru	7_11	              1,4
    Kevin	7_15	              1
    Rosti	9_	              0,7
    Edo	9_	              0,7
  18. I'm quite curious to see it. I've played a lot of doubles, and seen a lot of glitches, but that one is news to me.
  19. I'm not 100% sure whether or not it is something new now. I think I got the weird gravity/lock delay cancel bug, tried to mash down out of it, got delayed by it, and then managed to mash the pieces into the stack when they finally did spawn. It seemed to last longer than your standard gravity freeze when I was playing it, but I could be wrong.

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