Records: [TAP] Death

Thread in 'Competition' started by colour_thief, 9 Aug 2006.

  1. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Ah bravo..
    Je savais trs bien que je ne pouvais pas l'atteindre avant toi..
    est ce que c'est moi qui t'ai mis un peu la pression ?

    Bon en tout cas je suis le 3m !!!
  2. Ai


    Congrats jago! I'm looking forward to watch the video. Next up is Master GM! ^^

    Amnesia you look on your way to get it soon too.
  3. It's been a long time coming Jago, congratulations.

    Hopefully not long until you get Master Gm as well...
  4. Muf


    Congrats jago! Now the only thing left is this motherfucking m-roll [​IMG]
  5. K


  6. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    The "sorry Amnesia" was not necessary..

  7. Nice one!
  8. Congrats!!!! I was starting to think you had abandonned this mode. [​IMG]

    Can someone who is not at work give me the details so I can update the leaderboard?
  9. 6:54:43, with a score of 163556
  10. Ai


    Cool video and rofl @ epic end!

    GM = level 999.



    Which is?
  11. Congrats Jago on reaching Death GM. Quite an impressive feat.

    If you have the time could you upload the video somewhere to download from. I already have colour_thief's Death GM video in my MP3 player and I would like to add your video in there too. These videos really help with seeing what moves and stacks someone does in order to reach GM.
  12. gila

    gila Unregistered

    i loved the way he treated those Ls and Js, rolling them over the holes, awesome!
  13. Muf


    Apparently this is called "the french touch" [​IMG]
  14. I actually lol'd
  15. K


    ok dudes, sorry for late answer but i'm quite busy with the work and this ending year period at the restaurant.
    i've got the video in better quality of course but so far i have no time and ressource to upload it.

    i've watched the video again and to be honest i'm not really proud about it. i was back from korea, fucking tired and playing in "zombi mode". The time is not very good compared to ct or some crazy dude over herer, but i don't care much about the time for now. I really think i got a lot a lot of luck.
    i'm not playing that much death mode recently. just played again recently to improve my time attack speed in 20G for master mode. i was barely concentrating on "keeping left side clean". [​IMG]
  16. When my futile attempts at landing a temp job aren't making me miserable, my TA Death woes are.

  17. New record for jago:

    jagorochi --------- 999 @ 6:33:50
  18. Was playing Master on TAP and playing poorly, thought I'd give Death a shot and...



    EDIT: Video, courtesy of DeHackEd who encoded it.
  19. With less input lag:
    457 @ 3:22:01

    Despite Death 300 being much faster than Master 900, I can play with complete manual locking, while Master 900 kills me. I don't think that can be explained purely by the one frame of lock delay, but more of the animated backgrounds. 400 still kills me, though.
  20. yay~


    Funny, I actually had the sound turned off when I was doing this.
    My stacking needs to be better T_T
    on the plus side i'm learning to not triple-rotate when I don't need to.


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