BRAVO DHE !!!!!!!! Tu le mritais, j'ai su en te voyant jouer chez Eric que tu avais en toi le potentiel d'un DEATH Master..
Slight score improvement, and I'm slowly adding in some manual-locking speed in the 0-200 range: Also, I took Rosti's advice and finally switched from my SNES pad to the keyboard. Though I have to use an extra USB numpad otherwise the keys sometimes don't register when i'm pressing several at once...anyone else have this problem? Are there better alternatives people have found?
You shouldn't ever be pressing more than three keys at once really, which most keyboards accept through my experience. Only time I've ever had problems is playing with two people on the same keyboard simultaneously, which was also especially a problem for games like DoDonPachi, where two buttons are held almost continually. Our solution was to move buttons onto the mouse. Less than perfect but it worked.
Also, because of the nature of this hardware limitation, the keys you've mapped your controls to make a difference. Try tweaking that and your problem might disappear.
Yes finally passed level 400! New TAP Death record: level 418, SKill silver, Time of Death 3 : 35 : 60.
Posting edo's record because he's apparently too lazy to: It's bad form not to post an updated record, especially when it jumps you up so many places.
So, I just log in to post my new Death record, and I find some evil bastard has already beaten me to it and denied me the pleasure of posting my own damn record! Nah, just kidding colour_thief, sorry I didn't get round to doing it yesterday. Anyways, I now have a video of it if anyone's interested:
Code: colour_thief ------ 999 @ 6:24:90 Another slightly faster GM. Due to a loose video connection, I only recorded the audio. So no video this time... I'll have to be more careful in the future. I got silver SK and bronze RE, and survived the credits.
Putain merde....2 Gm... L'enfoir.. Faut que tu fasses le tient jago !! Et aprs je te suis .. Je suis galant quand mme..Je pourrais trs bien ne pas te laisser le choix..
je dirais mme plus : l'encul ! Bon dj Tapette, tu me claque un gold SK dans la section associe et on en reparle
Come on boys. We don't want any trouble in here, not in any language. such a bad line from such a good movie congrats on the 2nd GM ct!
Code: colour_thief ------ 999 @ 6:19:86 A 3rd! And I'm back to TGM3 for now...
( whoo...(still not ready for 300 speeds yet)