Records: [TAP] Death

Thread in 'Competition' started by colour_thief, 9 Aug 2006.

  1. My best yet, lost control at 330 or so. I'm passable with Death 300/Master 900 speeds with move reset, but completely fail with step reset. Need more practice. Double drops are horrible.

    My previous best was 313 at 2:58, and before that 305 at 3:00.

  2. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    not bad..

    When did you begin to play on TAP ?
  3. January 5 2008. I've been a lurker here since about December 2007, when I was alerted to the TGM3 GM video on youtube.

    I'm an ACE-ARS2 junkie on heboris, mostly, so I am spoiled with the sexy I-piece floorkick and move reset. Oh, and hold. I suck without hold. I moved to ARS soon after I heard about TGM, having had limited SRS experience, but I've yet to kick the bad habit of having hold piece around to save my butt.
  4. I haven't bothered to count, but I'm fairly certain I got another 10+ M's today (with DeHackEd playing beside me no less). A lot of them were really good ones too, lasting 750+. If I wanted to I could probably beat my record of 18 Ms in one day. [​IMG] I should calculate the average of 10 games... I bet I could make that above 500 now too. [​IMG]
  5. I seem to have had quite a reasonable advance in terms of speed and survival ability recently:


    Digital: it is time you played Death seriously again. There is no way I should be above you. I'm pretty sure you could get Gm pretty quickly if you tried.
  6. 455 @ 3:13:31
  7. K


    835 then 830 in a row
  8. gila

    gila Unregistered

    never really played death mode seriously, gave it a try a bit more in the last couple of days, so far i managed to break 300 only twice. time is probably very slow. the 300 level speed totally kills me (same for master 900 section)

    anyway here's a screenshot, why not [​IMG]

  9. [​IMG]


  10. Minor improvement, but at this point I'll take what I can get.

    I desperately need more practice at 400+ speeds. I had two or three double-locks after 400, which really hurt. :/

  11. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    My padawan gaby finaly broke the 300 !! [​IMG]

  12. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    TIEENNSS !!!!!!! [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    I am back on DEATH mode ! With a new dark power from my sudden ti period..
    M rank at 3:06 !! [​IMG]
  13. K


    c'est beau l'espoir...

    allez on va dire que sur un coup de chatte tu va p'tet y arriver.
  14. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Niyan niyan niyan niyan !! [​IMG]

    Cause toujour mon pauvre jago..Tu crois que la sagesse et les bons conseils de Kan vont t'aider mais c'est fini..
    On va t'clater tu vas voir..Tu refuses toujour d'admettre ton dclin.. [​IMG]
    Attend un peu que je te casse l'anus en DEATH et ensuite je vais m'occuper de ton cas en Master mode.. [​IMG]
  15. K


    A force de faire du M-roll, certaines informations compils m'ont permis de revoir certaine approches. Ce qui a galement radicalement modifi la stratgie en Death.
    Et puisque tu parles Kan a fait un moment d'ailleurs que je l'ai pas vu (2 mois?). Je te l'ai dj dit, c'est PAS parce qu'on est au Japon que magiquement on devient meilleur. On croise pas des brutes TGM a tous les coins de rue. Et mme en connaitre ne veut pas dire qu'on va les voir souvent. Au niveau relation sociale, le Japon est un pays trs trs particulier.

    Enfin bref, t'inquite je vais pas m'offusquer sur un coup de chatte. ou comme dirait l'autre, le soleil brille aussi sur le cul des chiens et n'importe quel abruti peut gagner la loterie.

    Si tu veux tre LE premier Franais, voir LE premier Europen puisqu'un certain autre est dj LE premier occidental, va y te gne pas...

    Aprs vous cher monsieur. (?????????)

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