Records: [TAP] Death

Thread in 'Competition' started by colour_thief, 9 Aug 2006.

  1. Altimor

    Altimor a.k.a. Ghett0


    I will beat you soon, EI.
  2. K


    basicely i really don't care about people playing TGM/TAP on emulation, but at least it would be clever to people posting screenshot to REMOVE the windows title, can Caffeine make a topic and mods take care about it ?
  3. is it really such a big deal?
  4. K


    yes it is, and it may even more soon or later
  5. I don't think it matters whether it is much of an issue. It could be, and it's extremely easy to solve. The amount of trouble involved in cropping the image bears almost no resemblance to the potential trouble that could arise from not doing so, however slim the chance of that might be.
  6. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    i must agree.
  7. ei



    EIHoppe ----------- 423 @ 2:49:51
    Another slight improvement. Fun fact: Almost the entirety of the 300 section was played about five or six cells from the top--how I pulled off a new record from that is entirely beyond me.

    Also, despite the brief time playing in 400, I felt I still had a decent amount of control, so hopefully I'll actually get to 400 with a decent stack and possibly break 500...and hopefully claim m'first M... =)

  8. You're definitely on pace for M. Now all you need to do is stay in control enough. Have you tried doing some 301 practice?

  9. I actually find that I play best on Death/Shirase when I'm close to topping out. Probably a combination of the fact that I'm concentrating purely on clearing the stack to survive, rather than going for Tetrises, and also because my eyes can more easily read the stack and the next piece(s) without having to move.
  10. ei


    I have. I've been locking 300 fairly consistently now, and feel completely in control--never get a chance on 400 much but from the brief moment I was playing I felt I could have survived for awhile had I not been so close to death as it was.

    My problem is, quite simply, somewhere typically between 200 and 300 my brain skips a beat or something and all of a sudden I have a gigantic, messy hole to fix. =P

    Might have something to do with all that I've had on my mind of late, though. Hopefully once I'm a little less spread out and some things resolve as the academic year comes to a close, I'll be able to concentrate better.

  11. [​IMG]

    I managed to get my girlfriend to play Tetris. Amazingly, she likes Death mode more than Normal or Master. Here's her first record on Tex' she's willing to send. (must I create a new thread for Texmaster ?)




  12. Your girlfriend is using an old version of Texmaster - there's a beta3 available now.
  13. Got my second ever M rank (on TAP, not Texmaster)

    529 @ 3:34:18

    I probably could've saved the few seconds to place me in front of Edo on time, but I spent a lot of time at 499 with misdrops.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Yeah, that would probably be a good idea. It would also be good to include Special along with Sudden if such a thread was to be made.
  15. ei


    EIHoppe ----------- 453 @ 2:58:26
    Getting closer......I felt like I was in control and probably could've gotten even closer had I not made one misdrop at about 440-445. Blocked off my rectum and, obviously, my chances of survival.

    Also notable is the SK medal--this is my first SK medal that I've gotten on a good survival run (usually I'll tank it if I end up with a SK medal by about 250-300).

  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    Whoa EIHoppe ! [​IMG]
    It is fast..Next record should give you a nice m rank.. [​IMG]

    Ok that is enough..I will strike on DEATH now..The 3rd rank will be mine soon..
  17. johnberhenry

    johnberhenry Unregistered

  18. [​IMG]

    Decided I might as well finally make an entry here, as it's my first time entering section 2.
  19. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    that's section 3 dude! you're even further than you thought [​IMG]
  20. when it comes to tgm levels, I count up from 0.

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