Records: [TAP] Death

Thread in 'Competition' started by colour_thief, 9 Aug 2006.

  1. Here's a fun idea: Play a bunch of games in a row, and record how you did on each one, and DO NOT STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME.

    First off, 28 games:

    99, 62, 96, 371, 126, 323, 391, 342, 112, 232, 256, 256, 180, 245, 289, 192, 276, 85, 222, 250, 99, 155, 173, 409, 312, 118, 281, 299

  2. mat


    nifty idea--will be interesting to see everyone's results.

    i did 21 death games:

    150, 126, 295, 298, 156, 412, 112, 449, 146, 500-3:25:38, 500-3:27:60, 181, 299, 368, 231, 490, 251, 65-hah!, 328, 99, 438

    and then a few master, 3 failed before 500 and then i got an S7 finish 9:14:16

    not my best night.
  3. K



    for this kind of stuff we could use the "Official rules for average records" of speedcubing (Rubik's cube) :

    I have possibility to go to Paris this week end. Anybody from here ? i could bring TAP jamma board...
  4. Hell, 28 games in a raw [​IMG]
    I get bored after the sixth game [​IMG]

    Btw, just gave it a go:

  5. A nice spell of crappy playing:

    73, 115, 220, 215, 155, 99, 149, 63, 55, 99, 128, 99, 96, 163, 127, 221, 149, 99, 75, 193, 157.

    Death is hard when you're only half-awake
  6. Lol heres mine: 102, 99, 87,52, 94, 44, 100. average 82.
  7. Far more consistent now I've woken up a bit:

    177, 186, 111, 149, 101, 143, 117, 131, 99, 158, 115, 154, 116, 164, 134, 188, 212, 196.

    Average: 147.2

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    344, 301, 120, 223, 124, 193, 298, 234, 241, 366, 334, 369, 336, 251, 193, 435, 302, 336, 411, 153

    20 Games

    Average: 278

    Standard Deviation: 91.73796
  9. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    [​IMG] The little domination of matt..

    Sorry for people who are not on it..
  10. K


    Twelve consecutive attempt :

    500 (3:31:51), 399, 450, 317, 373, 265, 315, 225, 469, 268, 219 and 364

    removing best : 500

    removing worst : 219

    average of ten : 344,5

    ps late very tired, a secure and slow session
  11. Hmm, don't have as much time for tetris lately. Here's a session from today.

    104, 177, 257, 292, 199, 190, 229, 179, 179, 278, 134, 299, 90, 83, 321, 264, 136, 257, 143, 366, 276

    21 Games

    Average: 212

    Standard Deviation: 80.28915
  12. From earlier today:

    62, 58, 211, 365, 207, 215, 55, 231, 192, 235, 211, 90

    Average: 178

    Standard deviation: 94

    Average (10): 171
  13. I don't know why I bothered but I played a round today even though I'm sick.

    474, 485, 299, 196, 414, 493, 304, 169, 313, 184, 150, 266, 148, 145, 160, 109, 349, 481, 422, 118

    20 games... first 10 much better than the last.

    Average: 284

    Standard Deviation: 137

    I played much as I normally would, barring my cold. My 400+ times were approximately at the proper pace, maybe 5 seconds slow. I blame the cold and not conservative play though.
  14. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    based on the time it must be master mode. it's 1:30 - 2:00 slower than other people around that level in death. the lock delay in death is too short to lose that much time.

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    If you noticed, you have a grade of 3 in the picture, a grade Death doesn't have. [​IMG]
  16. And the border is the wrong colour...
  17. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    YYAAAHH !!!! [​IMG][​IMG]

    Merde je suis toujours derrire cet canaille de Kotetsu.. [​IMG]
  18. Congrats Amnesia [​IMG]

    I've been doing really well recently, getting over 300 on nearly every run, and making it past 400 quite often. Hopefully I'll get a mistake-free run and set a new personal record soon.

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