Seattle TGM Summer 2012 Meeting Planning

Thread in 'Locations & Events' started by KevinDDR, 4 Jul 2012.

  1. Hey guys!

    It's really coming down to the wire now, so I should probably start getting things together for the meetup in Seattle.

    Date: 8/6/12 (can come a day or two earlier) - 8/10/12
    Locations: Seattle TGM Headquarters and Full Tilt Ice Cream
    $10 if you pay before 7/18/12
    $12 if you pay between 7/18/12 and 8/5/12
    $15 if you pay at the door.

    All three TGM games will be available for play on candy cabs, as well as some other unique things like Sega Tetris, Tetris Plus/2, and Blockout. We're planning on having two days of TGM time at most (probably a tournament on one of the days), and there'll be other fun non-TGM activities as well. KAN has expressed interest in coming, so maybe that'll tempt some people into coming too! Amnesia will be visiting from Hungary, as well.

    If accomodation in Seattle is an issue for you, don't worry. There is some available space at both branches of the Seattle TGM Headquarters for people to crash out at. Just make sure to let me know ahead of time so I can get stuff prepared.

    Please post if you're thinking about coming! I promise it'll be a hell of a time!

    There will also be a meeting in California starting on 8/12 and running through 8/16, so check the other thread for that.

    KAN (maybe)
    Last edited: 5 Jul 2012
  2. I'll likely be able to make it
  3. Oh yes, I should probably mention this too. As much as I would like the event to be 100% free, I will need to charge $10 per attendee in order to fund our streaming setup. I really hope that this doesn't discourage anyone from attending. You'll be getting HD recorded gameplay footage of TGM1, TAP, and Ti as a result (livestreamed as well). If anyone has any really strong objections to this, please let me know very soon.
  4. Muf


    480p is hardly HD. :p
  5. an ED is fine too.
  6. Okay, just to encourage people to pay earlier so I can get the board tested and set up before the meeting, the final cost will be $10 if you pay before 7/18/12, $12 if you pay between 7/18/12 and 8/5/12, and $15 if you pay at the door.

    My Paypal address is, please send as a gift! I promise I'm not some weird shady dude! :)
  7. K


    i think we a have scam here :V

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