Ready - GO (to JAPAN)

Thread in 'Discussion' started by K, 12 Dec 2007.

  1. how long will jago stay in japan?

    and - jago - congrats for aquiring your tgm3 machine!!

  2. fixed

    Also, jago is staying for 1 year.
  3. K


    hello dudes,
    So finally this japan Trip is about to come at end.
    i have to get back to France no later than 17th March. Am i happy or not to get back home ? it depend of the point of view.

    But right now i want to talk about the last event i participed, and that was simply Heaven on Earth for any TGM player.
    First of all, we were misunderstanding : the event wasn't organised by ARIKA and Mihara didn't showed up. But to be honest it was not important because the meeting itself was incredible enough to forget about him.

    You had to be there.

    They were 2 cab on the scene, annoucers, 3 big screens, and powerful sono.

    So basiquely this was a "Best players" show demonstration.
    - MOM, followed by BOS.U showed Ti Easy mode. (1300+)
    - 777 was playing TGM1. (9min12)
    - jin8 and Kan -> Ti master Mode (Master M)
    - 309 from Osaka -> Death mode, he played death mode 1 handed, and even took an incoming phone call during play....
    - SAL played TAP big mode (it is really difficult), and performed a chess board drawing (tetris art as secret grade stuff)
    - AYA and ZAB -> Ti Shirase (s13)

    so this was a realllllllllly fucking great show.
    i was not allowed to take much picture (to respect players express request and privacy no publication sorry) and no video, but there will probably be a dvd release of the event (maybe).

    ps : i'm not exactly sure about all result performance, i will at least try to find out some picture, but right now i haven't check the content of my camera and i have no time (accessing at work).

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Darn, no video. Ah well, at least you tried jago. I'm kind of disappointed that there was no major announcement. I guess being able to witness all these crazy players demo live is pretty crazy in its own right. Needle gave us live updates during the event and it sounded really exciting. Hopefully we can somehow see a few of the performances.
  5. Ai


    On the Tetris front your trip is a huge success that's for sure. It would be nice if you told us more about your overall impressions of your stay. Oh and have a safe trip back home to France! ^^

    I wish I could have been there. That must have been an awesome experience! Hopefully some kind of video will be available and if so keep us up to date.

    These guys can perform at the highest level at will it seems and playing Death T.A. one-handed while on the phone is insane! o.0
  6. K


    my impressions : It's really time for me to get back home.....

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Wow, jago. Talk about dedication in spreading the word...The TGM emission video has got nothing on you. [​IMG]
  8. Ai


    "This video has been removed by the user." :(

    Or maybe I'm just unable to watch it over here...

    DIGITAL Unregistered

    Nope, just putting you into a state of suspense. [​IMG]
  10. K


  11. Ai



    Insane TAP Master time attack video too. Enjoy your last moments man! ^^

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