Ready - GO (to JAPAN)

Thread in 'Discussion' started by K, 12 Dec 2007.

  1. So we need a way to fuse player together... We need to create a Jinagokamofeinesia_thief714
  2. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    first attempt??? that is incredible.
  3. K



    i compiled a video from the first meeting in Akiba :

    KAN's face is blurred (even if we still can't clearly see his face) by privacy respect.

    777 player is really incredible T__T and i still try to break sub 10min...

    and an incredible inflight tetris bug :

    about the gameplay :

    up -> rotate left

    down-> rotate right (or maybe invert i don't remember well

    a button for soft drop

    a button for hard drop

    the spawn piece orientation is very wierd :

    - the next orientation is not matching the spawn orientation

    - hold button will reorient the piece differently from next piece presentation and "of course" spawn again the piece differently...

    a kind of SRS but i can't confirm it... but T-Spin Triple don't works

    lock reset work "maybe" 10 times but not much more

    about the bug :

    simply pressing HOLD button at the end of the line clear animation will switch the piece "already locked piece", but the previously locked one that should come will be overwrited by the one on the "next Queue" and definitly LOST.... letting buggy garbage on screen... but it's just a "displaying bug"....

    maybe i don't explain well so just watch the video :

    so i let you dissert about the utility of "guidelines" control quality...

    wasn't able to test VS

    imo the button layout is completely shity since the joypad look's like a SNES clone PAD and definitly have a lot of button available...


    TGM3 is for sales in


    some TAP section time in a game center in akiba (sorry i thought i took a ranking pic but unfortunately not)


  4. 1:45: "Oooohhh putaiiiiin"*. Indeed. o_O

    * "Holy shiiiiit"
  5. How much is TGM3 selling for? Would you have space to bring it back with you? :p
  6. Muf


    180.000 yen. Let's do a fundraiser to get jago TGM3!
  7. K



    yeah it's 180.000 right now in gfront...

    i could possibly acquire it but i will refrain myself do some crasy and expensive buy just on the first arrival week [​IMG]
    right now i have to find a game center near my place with some TGM cab
  8. you really need to get a movie of a full game played by 777 [​IMG]
  9. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    PUtain la je suis jalou...

    No doubt you will really improve if you often meet some astonishing guys like Kan..

    When I see the improvement of Bou thanks to me, I am scared just in thinking your case jago..
  10. K


    Holy shit :

    KAN is TGM3 GM

    the second player in Japan to have reach this rank @_@

    he have succedeed the examination this afternoon.... unfortunately i arrived to late at Akiba to see it in live (maybe 1 hour).

    today i've also meet a player insanely good in SHIRASE secret grade ! he reached something like s8 (SRS)

    i really feel like a shit T____T

    my best so far is m7 (qualified s6)
  11. K


    btw this sunday will be a TGM meeting where as far as i know will hire lot of great TGM players...

    you can expect Needle and me to be there. [​IMG]
  12. I so want that hardware to mess around with. In a few months maybe... If only the price is in that range.

    As for meeting Kan. That is really cool. But don't remember you are the best around here. It's all you need to know.

    You can always swap your skills with me. Most of us know how you feel, comparing ourselves to you [​IMG]
  13. jujube

    jujube Unregistered

    wow, was anyone recording it?
  14. We have to wait till morning in Japan to get the answer. I believe he will load it up to youtube. We sure to check out every now and then.
  15. K



    There is no video i suppose or maybe i would know.

    As i said i was late, and from the place he often play there is no recording device.

    the only i got from yesterday is a picture taken with my cellphone.


    i hope my arcade stick will arrive soon, to be able to "start active training" !

  16. Amnesia

    Amnesia Piece of Cake

    I prefer keep this values : (from report)

    TGM: +10000


    -Master m : 42

    -Master Gm : 16

    -Death Gm : 47
  17. I assume there are a reasonably number of Death m players too.
  18. Muf


  19. K


    This Sunday was the TGM meeting on funa. That was incredible ! and UMA the "mighty legendary player" was there !


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